Year 4th, number 42 - September 2016
Highlight |
Relevant nomination within the European Consumer Consultative Group
Last August, the EU Commission officially appointed Mariano Votta – Responsible of EU Affairs at Cittadinanzattiva and Director of its EU branch Active Citizenship Network - as a Full Member of the European Consumer Consultative Group (ECCG) for the next 3 years. This role entails the protection of consumer interests from their respective Member States, and bring the national perspective into the discussions at EU level, providing the Commission with advice and opinions. Read more |
Focus |

“Patients’ rights have no borders”: leaflets for 14 EU Countries available online
In the framework of the EU communication campaign on cross-border healthcare “Patients’ rights have no borders”, Active Citizenship Network, together with the partners involved in this activity, has drafted free guides for citizens seeking care in other EU Member States. These leaflets are now available in the following languages: AT, BG, CY, DE, ES, FR, HU, IE, IT, LT, MT, NL, PL, SK. Click here for the free download. |

Citizenergy, made possible by European Union fund Intelligent Energy Europe (IEE), is the first European platform to encourage cross-border investment in sustainable energy and the first to provide information on sustainable energy opportunities from both crowdfunding platforms and cooperatives. It reinforces the work of such organisations in financing renewable and energy efficiency projects, increasing their reach while promoting transparency. A sort of “Tripadvisor” of our sustainable energy landscape, Citizenergy is a valuable resource for individuals looking to get involved in the energy transition.Supported by EU Commission, the EU project “Citizenergy - European citizens for renewable” is promoted by a consortium of start-up companies and other relevant stakeholder deep involved in the field of sustainable energy. The role of Active Citizenship Network in the project is to represent citizens’ perspective for a better protection of their rights. For more information look at the Citizenergy website. |
Citizenergy: The new platform is now online
It is online the European platform Citizenergy for citizen investment in renewable energy. Citizenergy features crowdfunding platforms and cooperatives with a focus on getting the public involved in sustainable energy projects. The platform features, now, 19 renewable energy projects from different European Countries. Read more and take part in the European energy devolution!
More information:
Watch the video on reasons to invest in community-based, sustainable energy projects.
Read the article “Citizenergy - The European Project to reduce the environmental impact of the energy sector and stimulate investment in renewable citizens” (published in the IT Magazine "L'Ambiente") |
The Tripadvisor of our sustainable energy landscape: fill the questionnaire
The engagement of citizens in sustainable energy projects depends on the promotion of initiatives such as those hosted by Citizenergy online platform. What do you think about that? Have you had experience with crowdfunding before? Filling the anonymous online questionnaire, you will help to identify weaknesses of the platforms and possible improvements. The questionnaire will take only 10 minutes, if you are interested click here. |
Crowdfunding in the EU Markets Union
The European Commission identifies the crowdfunding as a useful means to support and boost the economy, especially as a possible support to SMEs and start-ups. Moreover, crowdfunding introduce a new market model based on a direct civic participation For this reason on 3 May 2016, the Commission published a report that explains the market and regulatory landscape in this dynamic field. Read more |
A new deal for energy consumers
Last May, the European Parliament voted the Resolution (2015/2323(INI)) which, among other things, calls on the European Commission to give legal dignity to the new concept of “prosumer”. Read more |
Call for a clear crowdfunding legislation for cross-border renewable energy projects
In occasion of the EU Sustainable Energy Week hold in Frankfurt/Brussels on 20 June 2016, a group of stakeholders representing crowdfunding platforms and energy cooperatives has joined forces to call for increased harmonization across EU member states with regard to crowdfunding. Read more |
Reform of the third sector in Italy, the new role of crowdfunding
According to article 9 of the Third Sector Reform, now it is possible to participate in the capital of crowdfunding projects through specialized online platforms authorized by the law. Read more (IT language) |
Cittadinanzattiva: new partnership with EKOenergy Network
Cittadinanzattiva is pleased to announce its new partnerships with EKOenergy Network. The decision is in line with Cittadinanzattiva’s commitment at national and EU level - through Active Citizenship Network - on sustainably in the energy field. ACN expresses interest in participating at this international network of environmental organizations with the aim to stimulate the development of renewable energy and inform consumers about the origin of their electricity. To know more, visit the website of EKOenergy Network |

Sustainable Mobility
In occasion of the annual European Mobility Week, 16-22 September 2016, as associated partner of the EU initiative, Cittadinanzattiva presents a questionnaire for the evaluation of new forms of sustainable mobility (car sharing, car pooling, bike sharing). The questionnaire is anonymous and the feedback will help to identify weaknesses and strengths to explore concrete solutions to spread sustainable behaviors. More information on the website. For the questionnaire click here (IT language). |
News |
Civic Activism |
Open Call for proposals good governance and citizen participation at the local level in Europe
European Association for Local Democracy (ALDA) supports activities in the field of active European citizenship. The call is open until the end of the year to local authorities and civil society organizations based in the following countries: Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Austria, the Netherlands, Hungary, Portugal, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, Cyprus, Luxembourg, UK, Ireland, and Iceland. Read more |
“Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” Human Rights Prize of the French Republic
This year the prize, promoted by the Prime Minister of the French Government, will award individuals or association committed in defending and protecting migrants and the rights of disabled people. Read more |
Events |
September 27 Brussels (Belgium): “Safeguarding patient safety and quality of care in Europe: Good practice for the off-label use of medicines”
The meeting organized by the European Brain Council and hosted by Italian MEP Pedicini at the EU Parliament, aims to examine the issue of off-label use of medicinal products and current trends in this area. On that occasion, it will be presented the Declaration on good off-label use practices. Read more |
September 27 Brussels (Belgium): Meeting with Patient & Consumers' Organizations on HTA
The meeting aims to discuss the current status of the HTA cooperation in Europe what would be needed for the future and how in practice, stakeholders' representatives organizations can engage in EU cooperation efforts on HTA. Read more |
September 28-29 Brussels (Belgium): EFIC Topical Symposium PROGRAM
Every year, the IMI Stakeholder Forum gathers IMI’s stakeholders in health and medicines R&D and provides them with an opportunity to learn about and discuss IMI's latest activities and plans. A panel including IMI project participants, SMEs and IMI Associated Partners will debate the advantages for participating in an IMI project and discuss advice for applicants with Hugh Laverty, IMI's Head of Scientific Operations. For further information click here |
September 29 Warsaw (Poland): “Populists and Demagogues: what attracts people to them?”
The seminar is organized by Institute of Public Affairs, the Friedrich Ebert Foundation Poland and the EU-Russia Civil Society Forum. For the registration, click here. |
October 4-7 Dublin (Ireland): PCSI Conference “Towards Activity Based Management: Putting the Patient at the Centre”
The theme of the 32nd annual conference of Patient Classification Systems International (PCSI) focus on issues that top the health and social care agendas such as, healthcare funding, health information, personalized health care. Read more. For details of the conference and how to register click here. |
October 10-14 Houston Texas (United States) and October 17-21 Paris (France): International Conference on forced labour, child labour and human trafficking in Europe and America
Both conferences organized by the Child Health Care Organization (CHCO) will bring together practitioners, researchers and educators from around the world who are engaged in human rights issues. Read more |
October 11 Brussels (Belgium): DigiLabel Retailer Workshop
The event focus on the developing digital Energy Labelling solutions to enable consumer action on purchasing more energy-efficient appliances. Read more |
October 14-15 Menorca Island (Spain): V Meeting of EMNIPRE
The annual event for experts in the field on chronic pain is organized by the European Multidisciplinary Network in Pain Research and Education (EMNIPRE). Download the programme |
October 15 Menorca Island (Spain): IV International Pain School
The International School “Sine Dolore” for families and pain patients is organized by the organization “Sine Dolore”. Download the programme |
October 17-18 Prishtina (Kosovo): “Protection of patients’ rights – Successes and challenges”
The event is organized by the non-government organization of patients’ rights in Kosovo PRAK (Patients’ Rights Association of Kosova), in collaboration with UNDP. Active Citizenship Network is invited to participate as panelist. Read more. |
October 20-21 Madrid (Spain): 1st National Congress on Pain and Cancer
The event is promoted by the “Sociedad Española de Oncología Radioterápica” supported by many experts in the field on cancer pain. Read more |
October 28-29 Prizren (Kosovo): “6th International Conference for Pain Treatment”
The conference will cover different topics about pain management, while main topic will be “Joint Pain Treatment”. The event will be held in Touristic Complex “Sharri” in Prevalle of Prizren and the Director of Active Citizenship Network will participate as panelist. Read more. |