Year 4th, number 43 - October-November 2016
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#MakeWorkWork for those affected by Neurological Disorders and Chronic Pain Conditions

Active Citizenship Network supports the Written Declaration, under Rule 136 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, on access to employment for those affected by neurological disorders and chronic pain conditions. The initiative is promoted by the European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) and Pain Alliance Europe (PAE) with the aim to encourage research into and access to innovative treatments, promote prevention and self-management approaches, decrease stigma and work together to improve quality of life for people living with these disabling conditions.
The text of the Written Declaration is to be found on the dedicated website. Read more
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Active Citizenship Network supports the Written declaration, under Rule 136 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, on chronic non-cancer pain in people over 65, promoted by Pain Alliance Europe (PAE). If signed, the Commission is called upon to:
- contribute to the creation of a network of centres of excellence able to ensure competent expertise and access to appropriate care, reduce socio-economic costs and provide adequate training at university level on the subject of chronic pain with a view to expanding the network of expertise;
- carry out awareness-raising activities and develop patient orientation plans as regards chronic non-cancer pain, with the active involvement of pharmacies.
To read the text of the Written Declaration please click here.
More information:
Giovanni La Via's Written Declaration on chronic pain |

Do not wait, join us today!
Tell us now about your way of working with chronic pain and win!
LAST CALL: "European Civic Prize on Chronic Pain"
Just four weeks left to participate in the first ”EU Civic Prize on Chronic Pain - Collecting good practices” promoted by Active Citizenship Network. The aim is to give evidence of existing good practices in European countries in terms of struggle against pain. The winners will be given an expenses-paid visit to another winner and a publication in English in a suitable journal. Please find here more information, the project leaflet, the guide and the link to fill the form by the 31st December. Do not miss the chance!
European Events on Pain |
4-7 May 2017, Menorca Island (Spain): VII European Multidisciplinary Pain Meeting & Sine Dolore World Park
The fixed appointments in the Mediterranean area for professionals, advocacy groups and the widespread constituency of pain relief are organized by the European Multidisciplinary Network in Pain Research and Education and the patient organization “Sine Dolore”. Read more

8-9 June 2017 Malta: SIP Symposium “Structured Cooperation between Health Care Systems tackling the societal impact of pain!”
The next SIP Symposium 2017 will be held in Malta during the Maltese Semester of Presidency of the Council of the European Union.
The scientific framework of the “Societal Impact of Pain” (SIP) platform is under the responsibility of the European Pain Federation EFIC®. Cooperation partners for SIP 2017 are Pain Alliance Europe (PAE) and Active Citizenship Network (ACN). The SIP 2017 symposium is co-hosted by the Malta Health Network and the No Pain Foundation. The pharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH is responsible for funding and non-financial support (e.g. logistical support). In the past the scientific aims of the SIP symposia have been endorsed by over 300 international and national pain advocacy groups, scientific organisations and authorities. Read more
