On February 4th, 2019, Active Citizenship Network organized a European training seminar on patient safety & healthcare-associated infections (HAIs), opened to a selected number of leaders of patients’ associations and advocacy groups coming from twelve EU Member States plus an Extra EU Member State (Kosovo). During the seminar, the following topics were presented and discussed:
- The overall public and private engagement on the topic;
- The role of innovation to improve hygiene in the healthcare sector;
- The case history of the innovative sanitation system PCHS®;
- New strategies to advocate in this field of action.
Facilitator: Brian Maguire, Journalist, EURACTIV
15.00 Welcome and Introduction
Mariano Votta, Director Active Citizenship Network
15.15 Infections and antimicrobial resistance and their impact on public health
George Griffin, President of the Federation of European Academies of Medicine (FEAM)
15.35 The commitment of the EU Commission on patient safety
Flora Kontopidou, EU Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare Associated Infections
15.55 The case history of the innovative sanitation system PCHS®
Elisabetta Caselli, PhD - Section of Microbiology - Dept. of Medical Sciences, University of Ferrara
Paola Antonioli, Specialist in Public Health - Hospital Hygiene & Healthcare Associated Infection Risk Management, Azienda Ospedaliero - Universitaria of Ferrara
16.45 - 16.55 Coffe Break
17-10 Global infection prevention and control priorities 2018–22: a call for action
Daniele Celotto, European network to promote infection prevention for patient safety
17.30 How can civic society be engaged on patient safety?
Daniela Quaggia, Senior Project Manager, Cittadinanzattiva
17:45 Final discussion/questions
Documents and further information:
Download the speakers’ biographies and the minutes of the event.
To see all the pictures, visit our FB page.
To know more please write to:
The initiative has been realized with the unconditional support of Copma