

29 September 2021
11.30 to 13.00 CEST


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(click on the names to donwload the materials/presentations)

Moderator: Jacqueline Bowman-Busato

11:30 – 11:50 Opening remarks

Mariano Votta, Responsible for EU Affairs – Cittadinanzattiva / Director Active Citizenship Network

MEP •Kateřina •Konečná (Czechia) The Left Group, member of the •MEPs Interest Group "European Patients' Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare"

Donata Meroni, European Commission, DG SANTE, Head of the unit Health promotion, disease prevention, financial instruments

11:50 – 12:00 Fear of COVID-19

Prof. Christiaan Vrints - University of Antwerp & Member of the European Society of Cardiology Advocacy Committee

12:00 – 12:20 Sharing experiences across Europe

Daniela Quaggia – Active Citizenship Network (EU) – Video campaign

PenillaGunther - FOKUS Patient (Sweden)

Penka Georgieva - Association of Patients with Cardiovascular Diseases (Bulgaria)

12:20 – 12:50 Roundtable & Q&A “Prevention? Yes! But not only for Covid-19”

Marissa Mes - Programme Lead at The Heart Failure Policy Network

Arlene Wilkie - Director General at SAFE (Stroke Alliance for Europe)

Paolo Sbraccia – Treasurer of EASO (European Association for the Study of Obesity)

12:50 Closing remarks

Paul R. Field - Head of Patient Relations and Strategic Communications – Thrombosis, Bayer

Mariano Votta, Responsible for EU Affairs – Cittadinanzattiva / Director Active Citizenship Network

Read the minutes about the event here 

The event took the high interest of the whole constituency of the EU project funded by the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) called “YOUNG50 #Stay Healthy - Cardiovascular Risk Prevention” as you can read here.



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