Delivering patient value throughout the healthcare system
Focus on Digital Health and Personalized Medicine
10th April 2019
European Parliament, Brussels
Room PHS 7C050
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Neil Betteridge He now runs Neil Betteridge Associates (UK), a company offering patient insight at a strategic level to UK and international projects involving patient associations, health professional organisations and private companies. He currently helps to coordinate much of the European work of GAfPA, the Global Alliance for Patient Access. He is International Liaison Officer, Public Affairs, for EULAR and in the UK he is Co-Chair of the Chronic Pain Policy Coalition. Formerly CEO of the patient group Arthritis Care (UK), he has also been a UK ministerial adviser on both health and disability issues. |
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MEP David Borrelli He is member of the non-attached Members Group in the European Parliament. He was born in 1971 in Treviso. Entrepreneur in the IT sector. Councilor in Treviso (2008-2013), candidate for President of the Veneto region (2010), Member of the European Parliament (2014- ). Me is member of the Committee on Industry, Research and Energy (ITRE), Committee on International Trade (INTA), Delegations for the relations with the Mashreq Countries, South Africa and Delegation of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Union for the Mediterranean. |
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Paul De Raeve He has been a registered nurse since 1984 and obtained a master’s degree in nursing science at the Free University of Brussels, a Master degree in Statistics from the Catholic University of Brussels, and a PhD degree from the Kings College University of London. On Work experience, Hel was appointed as staff manager at the Free University hospital of Brussels, part-time delegated to the Belgium Ministry of Health and Environment. In 2002, he was appointed as General Secretary of the European Federation of Nurses Associations (EFN) and in 2015 EFN members asked him to establish and develop the European Nursing Research Foundation (ENRF). EFN EU lobby activities relate to the promotion and protection of nurses and the nursing profession with particular reference to the EU political agenda, especially the European Social Pillar priorities, including the digitalisation of the health and social care ecosystem. |
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Nicole Denjoy COCIR Secretary General since 2005 she is based in Brussels. Nicole has gathered more than 35 years of experience in the medical technology industry, working for companies including L’air Liquide, Ohmeda, Boston Scientific and Baxter. She has a Masters in Organisation and Change Management. She represents COCIR in a variety of influential fora at European Level as well as at international level. She is also Chair of DITTA, the Global Trade Association representing Medical Imaging, Radiation Therapy and Healthcare IT Industry and leads the DITTA Industry voice in official relationships with WHO since DITTA was granted a NGO status in 2015 and leads the partnership between DITTA and the World Bank since 2016. In addition, she is Vice-Chair of the Business at OECD Health Committee representing the private business sector in front of the OECD Health Committee. |
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Antonio Gaudioso He is currently General Secretary of Cittadinanzattiva, an Italian civic organization that promotes civic participation and protects citizens' rights. After his graduation in Political Science and International Relationship at the University of Macerata he got a Certificate in HTA from the London School of Economics. He worked on the adoption of the first Law on Pain and contributed to several information campaigns related to rights’ protection, with a special focus on health rights. Currently, he is also Vice President of Active Citizenship Foundation, senior consultant for CSR and sustainability at World Bank, member of Committee on biotechnology and bio safety of the Presidency of the Council of Ministers and member of several commissions and working groups on health in Italy and Europe. |
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Denis Horgan Since 2012, he is the Executive Director of the European Alliance for Personalised Medicine (EAPM). In recent years, through his efforts, this has created an observable institutional shift in policy due to the issues that the Alliance has put forward through its multi-stakeholder membership and bottom-up policy making. EAPM maintains that the personalised medicine approach is the best way forward. Prior to setting up EAPM, he worked as the Brussels Director of the European Cancer Patient Coalition from 2009. Additionally, he has worked in international NGOs on health development projects in Afghanistan, Mexico and Palestine related to issues on health governance, education, HIV/AIDS awareness and access to healthcare. |
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Usman Khan He was appointed Executive Director of the European Patients Forum in April 2019. In addition to managing a Secretariat team in Brussels, he represents the organisation internationally and supports the EPF Board and Membership. Prior to taking up his post at EPF, Dr Khan was Executive Director at the European Health Management Association. A health policy and management professional with in excess of 25 years’ executive level experience within the public, private and not for profit sectors, he spent over a decade working in academia, before moving into health and social care consulting in 2000. He has held a number of high profile non-executive positions in health and social care and currently holds academic positions at George Washington University and New York University (London). |
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Giancarlo Pruneri MD degree, University of Milan, Specialization in Pathology. 2017: Director Division of Pathology Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan; 2015-2017: Director, Unit of Biobank for Translational Medicine (B4MED); 2018: Full Professor in Pathology; 2015: Associate Professor in Pathology; 2015: Chair, Translational Research Working Group (IBCSG); 2012-2015: Senior Vice Director, Division of Pathology, European Institute of Oncology Milan; 2007-2012: Vice Director, Division of Pathology, European Institute of Oncology Milan; 2005-2013: Assistant Professor in Pathology, University of Milan, School of Medicine; 2003-2015: Active member, International Extranodal Lymphoma Study Group; 2003-2007: Senior assistant, Division of Pathology, European Institute of Oncology Milan; 1999-2003: Assistant, Division of Pathology, European Institute of Oncology and University of Milan School of Medicine;1996-1999: Research fellow, Institute of Pathology, University of Milan. |
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Walter Ricciardi Professor of Hygiene and Public Health at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome. From January 2019 he is Head of Department of Woman and Child Health and Public Health of Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli. In May 2018 he has been elected President of the World Federation of Public Health Associations (WFPHA). In November 2017 he was appointed Italian Representative in the Executive Board of WHO. From August 2015 to December 2018 he was the President of the Italian National Institute of Health. In May 2013 he was appointed Member of the Expert Panel on effective ways of investing in Health (European Commission, DG – SANTE) and in December 2016 he has been awarded a three-year second mandate. In 2011 he was appointed Member of the European Advisory Committee on Health Research to the WHO European Regional Director He manages several undergraduate and postgraduate teaching activities. He is Editor of the European Journal of Public Health, of the Oxford Handbook of Public Health Practice and Founding Editor of the Italian Journal of Public Health and of Epidemiology, Biostatistics and Public Health. |
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Manuel Serrano-Gil He is an internist and researcher. He introduced the term "expert patient" in Spain in 2006. The Expert Patient Program in Diabetes and Obesity engaged 3000 patients thanks to volunteering and 30 patients leading the support groups. He is author of more than 30 articles in peer reviewed journals. In September 2018, he was appointed as Chair of the Diabetes Barometer Patient Empowerment Community of Practice where there are 50 institutions from Europe and the Latin America. |
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Martin Seychell Graduated in chemistry and pharmaceutical technology, he specialized in Chemical analysis. He has held important positions on several government boards and commissions in Malta (Food Safety Commission and the Pesticides Board). He occupied the post of Head of Directorate at the Malta Standards Authority (2001-2006). He has been responsible for the implementation of a number of EU directives in the areas of risk assessment, food safety, chemicals and cosmetic products legislation. He held the post of Director of Environment in Malta (2006-2011). He was appointed Deputy Director General for Health and Consumers at the European Commission in March 2011. |
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Mariano Votta Public affairs professional and journalist, is the Director of Active Citizenship Network (ACN), the international branch of the Italian NGO Cittadinanzattiva, where he is responsible for European Affairs. Since 2013, he has been actively involved as ACN stepped up its advocacy activities at the European Institutions, which in 2015 led to the opening of a representative office in Brussels and - above all - to the launch of the MEP Interest Group “European Patients' Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare”, promoted with the endorsement of almost 100 organizations across Europe. Furthermore, in 2016, Mariano won the Efhre International University Excellence Awards on patients’ rights. Passionate about healthcare and consumer issues, he has more than 17 years of experience in the field of advocacy, stakeholder engagement, communication and civic information. |
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