In the context of the Societal Impact of Pain Symposium (SIP) 2017, held in Malta on the 7-8-9 of June 2017, ACN has been involved as cooperation partner.
The scientific framework of the SIP platform is under the responsibility of the European Pain Federation EFIC®. Co-operation partners for SIP 2017 are Pain Alliance Europe and Active Citizenship Network. The SIP 2017 symposium is co-hosted by the Malta Health Network, partner of ACN and the No Pain Foundation.
On the 7th of June ACN has been involved as expert panelist in the following workshops:
13:30 –17:00 GAfPA Workshop “Effective lobbying for pain and SIP advocates. Download the ACN presentation
14:30 – 18:30 Pre-Symposium “The Societal Impact of Pain on Malta”. Download the ACN presentation
On the 8th of June:
ACN celebrated in the SIP 2017 framework the Award ceremony of its project the “European Civic Prize on Chronic Pain - Collecting Good Practices”
Moreover ACN has been mainly involved as secretary of the Working Group 2, titled “European and national platforms addressing the societal impact of pain”.
After this working group ACN has been the key role to collaborate in the developing of the conclusions papers. These conclusions has been presented and ratified at the symposium plenary on 9 June.
Sip 2017 Abstract & Background
June 16th 2017, Under the leadership of the Maltese Presidency, the Health Ministers have agreed that it is time to evaluate access to treatment for patients with chronic pain: the Council of the European Union on Employment, Social Policy, Health and Consumer Affairs adopted its conclusions on “Encouraging Member States-driven Voluntary Cooperation of Health Systems”. Read the conclusions in EN and in IT
Read more on our commitment on the issue of pain relief at national and European level:
- The Engagement of Cittadinanzattiva in the Fight against Useless Pain
- 2014: Pain therapy and palliative care in the European political agenda
- Civic EU Recommendations on chronic pain
- Pain: report on respect of patients' rights among the Europe
- Pain patient pathway recommendations
- Chronic pain: making the invisible visible. European collection of good practices
- “European Civic Prize on Chronic Pain - Collecting Good Practices"