Active Citizenship Network supports the Written Declaration, under Rule 136 of Parliament’s Rules of Procedure, on access to employment for those affected by neurological disorders and chronic pain conditions. The initiative is promoted by the European Federation of Neurological Associations (EFNA) and Pain Alliance Europe (PAE) with the aim to encourage research into and access to innovative treatments, promote prevention and self-management approaches, decrease stigma and work together to improve quality of life for people living with these disabling conditions.
The text of the Written Declaration is to be found on the dedicated website.
If approved, The Written Declaration will be a very valuable document to use at local, national and European level, for example, in:
- Advocating for the implementation of employment rights for those affected by chronic pain conditions.
- Raising awareness of the stigma and discrimination faced by those affected by chronic pain at work.
- Ensuring relevant EU legislation on access to employment is applied at the national level.
- Highlighting the existence of EU funds to improve accessibility to the workplace for those who wish to regain or remain in employment.
Download a translated version here (All EU languages available)
Contact EFNA’s EU Policy advisor