European Mobility week & Cittadinanzattiva’s commitment at the national level
In coherence with its multi annual commitment on the topic of sustainable mobility and as associated partner, for the 2022 European Mobility Week Cittadinanzattiva launched in Italy an online guide and a telephone number available to citizens and appealed to institutions and companies to promote a new urban mobility culture. The guide includes information on how the public transport service is provided, practical information on the various benefits of the so-called shared mobility, what the Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan (SUMP) provides, and advice for ecological driving. For citizens wishing to report disservices regarding public transport, Cittadinanzattiva provided a national telephone desk active on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. To know more & download the guide, click here (IT).
In September 2021, Cittadinanzattiva, in collaboration with Unipolis Foundation, launched the first Sustainable Mobility Manifesto by Italian schools to Enrico Giovannini, Minister of Sustainable Infrastructures and Mobility, in Rome.
The Manifesto was part of the“O.R.A. – Open Road Alliance” multi-annual project on sustainable mobility in Italy promoted by Cittadinanzattiva in 2019 during the annual European Mobility Week.
The Manifesto is the result of an educational and workshop-based course attended by almost 2,000 students from 57 Italian schools which imagined and sketched out the possible ways in which mobility and the communities of the future will work.
It comprises four sections: Decisions, Changes, Proposals and Future. Its aim is to define the concept of sustainable mobility; show the desirable changes that should be made in the various towns; set out the actual proposals that will be created by providing a number of ideas for the future describing tomorrow’s mobility. The ideas of the students show that they are very mindful of environmental issues, sharing transport, safety, and a strong leaning towards multimodality and interoperability in addition to a more sustainable approach to the world of local public services.
To read about Cittadinanzattiva’s commitment on the topic, please check out the article here.
For further information about the Sustainable Mobility Manifesto, visit the dedicated website (IT language), watch a brief video here for a quick overview and download the communication material here (IT language).
If you would like to watch the final event presenting the Manifesto, click here and here (IT language).
Local Public Transport: Cittadinanzattiva’s information campaign
In occasion of the 2020 European Mobility Week, Cittadinanzattiva has launched an information campaign raising citizens’ awareness of local public transport. The campaign aims at improving citizens’ knowledge of the local public transport services available in their cities and regions, as well as to inform them about the rights and duties of each passenger and of the possibility of reporting service inefficiencies. The inititative is part of the italian “Più sai, più sei” project.
To download “5 consigli per muoversi in città” (“Five suggestions to move across the city”), which is the small guide on local public transport realized by Cittadinanzattiva, click here (IT Language).
Local Public Transport in Italy: rising costs for monthly and annual subscriptions
Always in occasion of the 2020 European Mobility Week, and in accordance with the information campaign above mentioned, Cittadinanzattiva has also carried out an investigation on the prices of local public transport throughout Italy. Indeed, Cittadinanzattiva’s Observatory Prices and Tariffs has released data concerning the price of local public transport. In particular, the investigation reported that in the last 15 years there was a remarkable increase in the rates of both the monthly and annual subscriptions for local public transport. Overall, in Italy in the last 15 years the cost of the monthly pass for local public transport has grown on average by 22% while the cost of the annual pass of about 18%.
For further information, plese click here
To read about our commitment as associated partner of the European Mobility Week, click here.
“O.R.A. – Open Road Alliance” project launched
During the annual European Mobility Week, Cittadinanzattiva renewed its commitment in spreading a sustainable mobility culture. On 19th September, in Rome, it was officially presented the new multi-annual project on sustainable mobility in Italy. The initiative is promoted by Cittadinanzattiva and Fondazione Unipolis aims to:
strengthen a new mobility culture through education and in line with the UN Agenda 2030 goals; to make urban mobility sustainable, starting from younger generations and involving all the stakeholders; to define a new "Sustainable Mobility Manifesto" for the 14 Italian Metropolitan Cities.
To know more about this initiative, please click here, watch the official video and visit the dedicated website (IT language). For some clippings and press articles (IT language), click here:
Italy: “#Mobilità sostenibile” started at the regional level
In the Emilia Romagna region, the regional body of Cittadinanzattiva is engaged in a new initiative on mobility started during the European Mobility Week and realized in the framework of the project "Formiamo consumAUTORI del futuro". The initiative encourages citizens to be better informed and more active towards sustainable mobility. To do so, citizens are invited to download a leaflet, the guide for the citizens and to fill an online questionnaire (IT language).
To know more about this initiative, please visit the dedicated website (IT language).
Also in 2018 Cittadinanzattiva took part in the European Mobility Week, now in its 17th edition, with meetings and awareness initiatives in several Italian cities. This year's theme is multimodality with the slogan "mix and move" and the aim of underlining how important it is to rethink everyone's habits in terms of mobility, preferring the use of less polluting vehicles that can integrate or replace cars. To know more click here and watch the video (IT language)
During the annual European Mobility Week Cittadinanzattiva renews its commitment to contribute to spreading a culture of sustainable mobility in Italy. Under the motto "It's time to move!", Cittadinanzattiva has launched "MOBILITIME", an awareness campaign consisting of three initiatives:
- local initiatives led by volunteers who will distribute ad hoc materials, inform and gather reports;
- an online consultation on sustainable mobility and new forms of mobility;
- a photo contest.
To know more, please click here (IT – EN language)
- 27 dissemination and awareness-raising initiatives were implemented in 21 Italian cities with distribution of a free guide to citizens, a promotional video, a poster;
- public initiatives during the European Mobility Week (16 - 22 September 2016) to raise public awareness on the importance of the adoption of more sustainable behavior in terms of mobility;
- realization of the second edition of the online civic consultation on sustainable mobility and new forms of mobility;
- final event to present the results of the consultation with the theatric show “Citizen life, a journey in the heart of local public services”.
- Policy debate " EU Citizens'Rights Abroad: know your rights and act upon them!"
celebrated on the 18 September 2015 in Bucharest in the framework of U-impact project. - In Italy, Cittadinanzattiva promoted a series of information and awareness initiatives among citizens and local governments in terms of sustainable mobility. Over 40 appointments arranged: monitoring of public transport, distribution of information materials for citizens , walking, car free day , moments of confrontation with the municipalities.Read more (IT language)
- “Protecting Citizens' Rights: challenges and opportunities for EU passengers”, roundtable and EU online webinar organized in Rome on 16th September 2014 with the involvement of DG Move, civic associations, European experts. Click here to download both the introductory and final documents.
- Dissemination of the communication materials (poster/leaflet) of the EU campaign “Your passenger rights at hand” (air - maritime – rail - bus/coach)
- “Mobility, Healthcare centers and Rights protection”, a civic research-action focus on the relationship between mobility and access of care. Click here to download the document.
- 2nd edition of the online quiz “What type of traveler are you?” available in 9 languages (EN - IT - RO - SK - LT - ES - BG - SH - PT version)
- In Italy, Cittadinanzattiva organized a civic mobilization in the field of local public transport with 64 events in 30 cities, with on line consultation, video, a short guide on local public transport “5 tips for getting around town” (IT – EN – ES version) in the framework of the project “Consumatori in rete: diamo forza ai nostri diritti” (Consumers network: give strengthen to our rights”) realized with the support of the Italian Ministry of Economic Development.
- In Italy, the 64 events in 30 cities, were useful also to disseminate the communication materials (poster/leaflet) of the EU campaign “Your passenger rights at hand” (air - maritime – rail - bus/coach) in which Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network is officially involved.
- What kind of traveler are you? Find out with a free online quiz (in 9 languages)
- Download the free guide for passengers (in 9 languages)
- Events in Europe: in several cities, in collaboration with local civic Organizations
- Good practices concerning mobility from a civic point of view
- “Special Mobility Edition” of the monthly newsletter of Active Citizenship Network - Year 2th, N° 14 - September 10, 2013 (English version)
- News on the weekly newsletter of Cittadinanzattiva – Year 7th, N° 294 – September 12, 2013 (Italian version)
- “European Mobility Week, featuring the citizens”, official statement in English and Italian version
- Press release (English and Italian version)
Read more:
- Politiche della mobilità (IT language)
- The Policy of Cittadinanzattiva on Mobility and Transport
- Climate change: the commitment of Cittadinanzattiva
- Mobility, a paradigm of European citizenship (project realized with the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union)
- Joint Citizen Action for a Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Union (project realized with the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union)
(Update: October 2021)