Active Citzenship Network has recently published, on 11 April 2022, a new manuscript dealing with the topic of therapeutic adherence entitled “Encouraging Across Europe the Civic & Patient Advocacy Groups’ Engagement in The Implementation of National Resilience and Recovery Plans to Reduce the Burden of Covid-19 Pandemic on NCDs Patients’ Therapeutic Adherence”on the International Journal of Epidemiology and Public Health Research, a peer-reviewed journal that encompasses all aspects of epidemiology and community health. The article examines the data emerged from the EU civic survey “The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on non-communicable and chronic patients’ therapeutic adherence across Europe”, conducted by ACN in the second half of 2021, which show the inadequate attention of institutions and the main stakeholders in relation to access and continuity of care for non-Covid-19 patients.
To download the article, click here.