Cittadinanzattiva (Active Citizenship) and SiHTA (Italian Society of HTA)have signed an agreement for the promotion of a summer school for civic leaders HTA in November 2011. The agreement is focused on three shared issues: 1) the need to support the development of HTA as a tool of government qualified public spending in a context of strong reduction of resources, 2) the absence in Italy of the citizens' involvement in the processes of evaluation, and 3) the lack of civic leadership aware and sufficiently informed.
In less than one year (September 2012) the initiative was implemented in partnership with institutional Agency of Health Services evaluation - Agenas. The design was based on the experience of HTA Patient Academy of the London School of Economics and the guideline "Understanding HTA" of Health Equality Europe (HEE) and was coordinated by a Steering and Scientific Committee expressed by the three partners. Active Citizenship has provided the general organization and recruitment of 25 participants - representatives of 10th chronically ill associations and of Active Citizenship National and Regional leaders - from 9 Regions. The first module (6-8 September 2012) was dedicated to the introduction of HTA and international experiences of patients involvement, Two visiting professors (Mary Baker, representative of patients in EMA and member HEE, and Karen Facey of HTAi ) and teachers expressed by the three partners, have attended to the Course. In the remote activity participants have experienced the development of patients evidence in their disease perspective and has conducted a survey on the state of HTA in the Regions to which they belong. The second module (27-29 September), after a panel with the various stakeholders (Clinicians, government agencies , pharmaceutical companies, consumers' organizations), has take into account the assessment and appraisal process statement, facing with international experiences. In this
sessions the main rules and principles for citizens involvement as promoters HTA (on the basis of the Italian Charter of Trento) and as partners of the evaluations has been presented and discussed. The information will be compiled into a final document to be submitted by November 2012, with the aim to promote a Charter of Citizens for HTA. Participants and partners shared a positive opinion on the initiative (which we plan to replicate). The HTAi invited Teresa Petrangolini, director of the course, to be part of the Steering Committee of the Sub-Group "Patient and Citizen Involvement".
(written in October 2012)