4 best practices activities have been awarded today in Malta at Casino Maltese by the President of Malta Republic Maria Louise Coleiro Preca, thanks to the “EU Civic prize on Chronic Pain”, promoted by the Italian NGO Active Citizenship Network-Cittadinanzattiva during the annual symposium on the “Societal Impact of Pain” (SIP).
Active Citizenship Network (ACN) launched the project ”EU Civic Prize on Chronic Pain - Collecting good practices” to give evidence of the existing good practices in Europe in terms of struggle against pain, and based on the selection of the practices presented by different healthcare stakeholders. The prize provided an occasion for demonstrating what the community can offer in terms of good practices as well as sharing experiences useful for raising awareness about the condition, enhancing the body of knowledge of positive cases and success, and strengthening commitment on this topic. This initiative allowed ACN to collect 30 Good Practices received from 11 different countries: Malta 2; UK 6; Spain 8; Portugal 2; Ireland 1; Italy 6; Germany 1; Denmark 1; Finland 1; Netherlands 1; Russia 1. The good Practices gathered have been published in a report that will be available on june 9th on www.activecitenship.net.
Active Citizenship Network is responsible for the scientific design and contents of this Project that has been realized with the financial and non-financial support of Grünenthal GmbH and Pfizer Inc.
"With the aim to contribute to value the experiences gathered during the EU Prize, Active Citizenship Network, together with the Spanish Foundation Sine Dolore, has promoted the Pain Euro-Mediterranean Coalition”, declared Mariano Votta, Director of ACN-Cittadinanzattiva, “which not only is the first civic Hub-incubator of best practices against pain across Europe, but also an agora of operators of good practices on pain. Hopefully, the Coalition will ensure longer life to the good practices themselves and will identify conditions to replicate or implement them in other contexts as well."
The 4 Winners
The Jury of Active Citizenship Network-Cittadinanzattiva, composed by health experts, has selected the 4 winners of the prize evaluating them for each of these four Criteria determined: reproducibility, innovation, added value, appropriateness. The winners will be given an expenses-paid visit to other winners’ headquarters and a publication in English on a suitable journal.
The winner for the category CLINICAL PRACTICES:
"Physical activity in women with fibromyalgia: the al-Ándalus project" from the Department of Physical Education and Sport, Faculty of Sport Sciences, University of Granada, Spain.
The Jury Panel commented: “This is an excellent well-organised collaborative project involving 8 universities in Andalusia, multidisciplinary teams and patient organisations. Also, an external academic link for researchers has been established. This work has incorporated sites outside of the traditional health care settings, i.e. private gyms, and swimming pools and investigated a condition that is often neglected by health care professionals”.
The winner for the category PATIENTS’ EMPOWERMENT:
"At lessons from the expert patients: advices for the physicians to improve their care of cluster headache patients" from the Alleanza Cefalalgici Cluster, European Headache Alliance, Italy
The Jury Panel commented: This work showed great innovation in gathering expert patients in four countries across Europe to assist health care practitioners in the management of Cluster Headaches. It is a very well thought out submission on an uncommon, but important, painful condition. It is good to see everyone working together to highlight this condition, which, if recognise, should improve the management of patients with this condition and improve their quality of life.
The winner for the category INNOVATION:
"Non pharmacological treatment of chronic pain: a multimodal approach." from San Raffaele Hospital, Italy
The Jury Panel commented: “This work is truly innovative. The team are using virtual reality setting plus neuropsychological support to permit the development of personalised specific rehabilitative exercises, plus remote communication with patients home. It is really very exciting”.
The winner for the category PROFESSIONAL EDUCATION:
"Patients as Teachers in Health Professional Education" from the Pelvic Pain Support Network (PPSN), UK
The Jury Panel commented: “Many universities are using patients as part of undergraduate education, but this is the first time that I have seen the course formally written up. It is excellent that this now involves two universities, and I hope that there are plans to increase uptake of this type of education in other universities and for other conditions. Excellent that the patient and a family member have been involved as this does emphasise the family impact of pain. Well worked systematic involvement of patients in formal nursing and medical education. Shows good collaboration between patients, educators and clinicians”.
The award ceremony is part of annual symposium of the “Societal Impact of Pain” (SIP), an international multi-stakeholderplatform created as a joint initiative of the European Pain Federation EFIC® and Grünenthal with the aim to:
- raise awareness of the relevance of the impact that pain has on our societies, health and economic systems
- exchange information and sharing best-practices across all Member States of the European Union
- develop and foster European-wide policy strategies for an improved pain management in Europe (Pain Policy).
Over 300 international and national pain advocacy groups, scientific organisations and authorities have endorsed the scientific aims of SIP symposia and meetings.
The scientific framework of the “Societal Impact of Pain” (SIP) platform is under the responsibility of the European Pain Federation EFIC®. Cooperation partners for SIP 2017 are Pain Alliance Europe (PAE) and Active Citizenship Network (ACN). The SIP 2017 symposium is co-hosted by the Malta Health Network and the No Pain Foundation. The pharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH is responsible for funding and non-financial support (e.g. logistical support). In the past the scientific aims of the SIP symposia have been endorsed by over 300 international and national pain advocacy groups, scientific organisations and authorities.