Delivering patient value throughout the healthcare system.
Focus on Digital Health and Personalized Medicine.
10th April 2019 - European Parliament, Brussels
To continue the celebrations of the XIII European Patients' Rights Day, on the 10th of April has been held an event dedicated to Digital Health and Personalized Medicine. The aim was to go into a topic related to several Patients’ Rights listed in the in the EU Charter of Patients’ Rights: the right to preventive measures (1st), the right to the observance of quality standards (8th), the right to safety (9th), the right to innovation (10th).
“Digitalizing health systems is a key component in achieving universal health coverage, which is based on the belief that all people should have access to the health services they need – including disease prevention, health promotion, rehabilitation and palliative care – without the risk of financial ruin or impoverishment. In this context, digital health has an important role to play in improving the reach, impact and efficiency of modern healthcare and in delivering patient-centered services,” said Zsuzsanna Jakab, Director of the World Health Organization’s Regional Office for Europe, in her opening keynote speech in the framework of Health Systems in the European Region (Copenhagen, 6-8 February 2019), organized by the WHO Regional Office for Europe and the Norwegian Centre for E-health Research. In that occasion, it has been also underlined how much digital health and public health desperately need each other.
The aim of the event of the 10th of April was focusing – with the contribution of relevant guests and speakers – on the theme of digital health & personalized medicine, in order to provide an overview of the current and future commitment of the institutions and of the major European players. At the same time, the conference allowed us to share innovative approaches with a positive socio-economic impact on public health. It has been done with a particular attention to disseminate clear and concrete messages with regards to the role of those advocacy associations committed to the protection of citizens’ rights in the in the framework of digital health and personalized medicine.
Indeed, if adequately empowered and involved, we’re always been sure that our constituency, which includes several associations across Europe, will join the call for the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Member States to help improve the regulatory environment so that patients can have early access to personalized medicine, boosting the research.
The XIII European Patients’ Rights Day provided a civic perspective by showing also the benefits that the EU could offer to patients.
As for the previous editions of the EPRD, about 100 people attended the conference. People selected among Active Citizenship Network constituency (civic & patients organizations, partners in EU projects, consultants, etc.); MEPs and their assistants; leaders of national and EU Brussels-based umbrella organizations/networks; European Commission members; relevant stakeholders (healthcare professionals, scientific societies, providers, companies, representatives of public and private sectors), media & Brussels-based PR agencies.
The Conference was kindly hosted by MEP David Borrelli, Non Attached
Click here to the Conference’s programme
Click here to read the speakers’ biographies
Click here to see the photos of the event
Click here to see the webcast replay of the conference
Click here to read the press release
Click here to read the press release
To know more:
- (10th April 2019) XIII EUROPEAN PATIENTS’ RIGHTS DAY 2019 - Speakers’ list
- (10th April 2019) XIII EUROPEAN PATIENTS’ RIGHTS DAY 2019 - Programme
The conference is realized thanks the support of:
For any further information please contact Daniela Quaggia