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Help us to build a Europe for citizens
Welcome to the new newsletter of Active Citizenship network! This issue follows the restilyng of our website. In both of them, a new design and new contents built with the aim of supporting the development of civic activism in Europe.
Every day I learn something new about the capability of citizens to self organize themselves and to find solutions to general and common concerns. Maybe a foundation for employment of disabled people, or a project to support young people volunteering, or even a campaign for the protecion of women affected by the breast cancer. Read more... |
Focus |
Active Ageing citizens: VI European Patients’ Rights Day
The 6th European Patients’ Rights Day gets closer! This year conference “Active Ageing citizens at the center of EU health policy” will take place on May 10-11, 2012 in Brussels. In line with the WP 2011, core topics of the conference will be empowered ageing patients and their capability to appropriately interact with health care services and institutions. Numberless of patients’ associations together with different institutional stakeholders will be attending the event. Read more and consult the European Charter of Patients’ Rights
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Civic Activism |
Civic participation. Best Practices call of proposal
“Best Practices on civic participation on Active Ageing citizens at the center of EU health policy” is the crucial part of the 6th European Patients’ Rights Day. Ageing patients have not to be considered as weak users of health care services, but essential and responsible stakeholders, who shall actively contribute to overcome the crisis of these systems. That’s why collecting and sharing best practices from all EU countries, on what healthcare services, civic associations and governments are doing in this area can reveal the concrete benefits of this approach. Read more or click here to submit your Best Practice |
Patients' Rights |
VI European Patients’ Rights Day: Make it official!
The recognition of Patients’ Rights across the Union is an increasing demand from European citizens, and we all know that the reinforcement of these rights will become effective only with the cooperation and commitment of all stakeholders in each EU country. For this reason, ACN recently forwarded to Commissioner Dalli the formal request of several patients’ and health professionals’ associations to finally make April 18 (the celebration day of the European Patients’ Rights Day) official. Read the petition |
Director: Teresa Petrangolini
Vice-director and Editor in chief: Alessandro Cossu
Editors: Antonella Nalli, Alessandra Puddu
Coordination and Production: Giacomo D'Orazio e Alessandra Puddu
To contribute, plase write to: press@activecitizenship.net
Via Flaminia, 53 - 00196 Roma - Tel. +39 6 367181 - Fax +39 6 36718333 |