Year 3th, number 19 - March 2014
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Active Citizenship Network is glad to invite you to attend this important European event on “The role of citizens' organisations in the empowerment of patients with chronic diseases” on the 12-13 of May 2014, in Brussels. Read more
To date have confirmed associations and health professionals from 18 countries, the principal EU Institutions and a lot of health stakeholders at EU level. Read the Programme
As the places available are limited, the registration is needed, please fill in the registration form and send it by e-mail to: |
Focus |
Citizenergy: the EU to set up a platform to invest in the renewables
A new web platform will allow European citizens and small and medium-sized companies to invest in profitable ideas in the renewable energy sector. With the EU project “Citizenergy” funded by the CIP work programme, the EU expects to foster the achievement of the ‘Europe 2020’ objectives by creating a EU collaborative network of Renewable Energy Sources (RES) promoters, citizens and authorities. The idea is to create an on-line tool where citizens can identify investment opportunities in RES projects and where project promoters can engage citizens to fund their projects. ACN cooperates with the aim to put in this initiative the point of view of EU citizens. Read more |
Brussels: the EU economy also needs crowdfunding
Presented the European Commission's plan to support the economy in the long term. In the Commission roadmap to meet the long-term financing needs of the European economy, the crowdfunding is included in the action plan to provide alternative financing possibilities for SMEs. Read more |
European Commission announces help for Crowdfunding
On 27 March 2014 the European Commission for the first time issued an official communication on the potential of crowdfunding, titeled “Unleashing the potential of Crowdfunding in the European Union”. The main features of the communication are a very positive and open understanding of the potential crowdfunding can have on the European economy. Read more |
Brussels is invited to move faster on crowdfunding
The rapid development of crowfunding raises serious questions regarding the protection of investors, according to the CFA Institute. Read more (French language)
More information:
What is crowdfunding? |
News |
Patients' Rights |
Chronic pain and palliative care in the EU Commission
Commission’s answers to written questions recently tabled by the following MEPs:
Małgorzata Handzlik (EPP, PL) on ‘Standards of chronic pain treatment in the EU - high level of public health protection’, 25 March, available here
Sergio Paolo Francesco Silvestris (EPP, IT) on ‘New pills for arthritic pain’, 25 March, available here
Claudiu Ciprian Tănăsescu (S&D, RO) on ‘Access to palliative care’, 24 March, available here |
Chronic pain in the EU Parliament Committees debate
On February 10, the Committee on Petitions heard petitioner Anna Kleszcz (Polish citizen) on the introduction of uniform European procedures for the treatment of chronic pain in medical facilities. Her petition was declared admissible and will be discussed further by the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) Committee. Read more |
Best Practices on Chronic pain: GET ACTIVE!
Active Citizenship Network is looking for Best Practices dealing with chronic pain, with an emphasis on policy initiatives aimed at increasing patient empowerment, awareness campaign for the benefit of citizenship, attention of various stakeholders. To these may be added also good practice in the clinical management of chronic pain and dedicated tools. The most significant will be published and showed in a European event celebrated during the EU Italian Presidency in the II half of 2014.
The invitation to participate is addressed to both single associations of patients with chronic disease and chronic pain, and networks / umbrella Organisations. The deadline to participate is the 30th of July 2014. To participate write to Daniela Quaggia:
More information:
Good practice: the policy of Cittadinanzattiva |
eHealth in the EU: what's the diagnosis?
According to two surveys in acute care hospitals (those intended for short-term medical or surgical treatment and care) and among General Practitioners (GPs) in Europe, the use of eHealth is starting to take off, with 60% of GPs using eHealth tools in 2013, up 50% since 2007. But much more needs to be done. Read more
More information:
“ENS4Care”, the EU project in which ACN cooperates to share good nursing and social work practices in eHealth services. |
Consumers' Rights |
European Consumers in the Digital Era
The 2014 European Consumer Summit (April 1st- and 2nd) is dedicated to EU consumers in the digital era. Completing the digital single market would benefit EU consumers by on average €400 a year, some €200 billion Europe wide. The digital economy brings real benefits for consumers, but it also raises important questions about consumers’ rights online. This year’s Consumer Summit focus on how we can ensure that consumers reap the full benefits from the digital sector. Read more |
Rail Passenger Rights: Commission refers Italy to Court for failing to comply with EU rules
The European Commission is referring Italy to the Court of Justice of the EU for failing to fully comply with EU rules on rail passenger rights. Italy has not yet established an official and authorised body for the application of the Regulation in its territory, nor has it set up rules to sanction violations of rail passenger rights legislation. Without these two necessary actions, passengers travelling by train in Italy or from Italy to other EU countries will not be able to claim the rights they are entitled to if something goes wrong with their journey. Read more |
Public consultation on new version of the Water JPI Strategic Research and Innovation Agenda
The Community Initiative Water JPI will launch next June the new version of its strategic agenda on priorities identified in the research and innovation on the theme of water, in order to address, in a more coherent and coordinated approach, the challenge represented by the social protection and management of water resources. The consultation is open until 30 April. Read more |
Commission says yes to first successful European Citizens' Initiative
The Commission has decided to react positively with 9 concrete steps and new actions to the first ever successful European Citizens' Initiative (ECI), in those areas where it is able to act. Organisers of the Right2Water ECI called on the Commission to ensure that all EU citizens enjoy the right to water and sanitation, to exclude water supply and management of water resources from internal market rules and liberalisation, and to increase its efforts to achieve universal access to water and sanitation around the world. Read more |
European Manifesto in Support the ECI “Electromagnetic Radiation”
Citizens and associations from different European countries agree on the need for an European Citizens' Initiative (ECI) to update current regulations for exposure to electromagnetic radiation. To read the Manifesto in several language, click here
More information:
What is the European Citizens' Initiative? |
Civic Activism |
It is started in Italy the fourth edition of the European project “Young ideas for Europe”
Under the coordination of Cittadinanzattiva Umbria, have been involved students of the Institute of Agricultural Technical Sant'Anatolia Narco in Umbria in a workshop during which new ideas have been developed for energy policy and climate change. The ideas will then be discussed with the partner school that is located in Bulgaria. For more information, click here (English language) and here (Italian language) |
Shaping Europe, Civic Education in Action
The German Federal Agency for Civic Education and the Robert Bosch Stiftung organize a scholarship programme for professionals active in Citizenship Education from Central and Southeastern Europe at the beginning of their professional careers who wish to be active internationally. Read more |
Network News |
8 April, Brussels (Belgium): “My pain feels like…” Exhibition and cocktail
MEP Petru Luhan, winner of the MEP Award for Health 2013, invites citizens and stakeholder to find out more about chronic pain, the stigma of invisible suffering and the huge economic burden on Europe. The appointment will be held in the European Parliament, ASP Building. Read more |
9 April, Brussels (Belgium): “Google European Youth and Tech Summit 2014”
Across Europe, Governments, Consumer Organizations and industry are working together to make the internet a safer place for kids. The meeting is an occasion to continue and expand the dialogue on this issue. |
15 April, Tallin, Estonia: “Civic Participation in Political Life, European Elections
The debate is promoted by Avatud Eesti Fond (Open Estonia Foundation) and it is organized in the framework of the EU project “Joint Citizen Action for Stronger, Citizen-Friendly Europe”. ACN is a partner of this EU project, funded by the European Union. Read more |
17 April, Maastricht, the Netherlands: “Patient rights in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine”
The 7th health conference concerning patient rights in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine will be held on the Province of Limburg, in Maastricht. It is organized by EPECS, European Empowerment for Customised Solutions, a collaboration of regional patient organisations who want to give their participants a powerful voice in the increasingly developing cross border and European health care. ACN will talk about the relevance and the meaning of the European Patients’ Rights Day. Read more |