C. Welcoming and open to participation
By re-launching, with the new European Parliament, the constitutional process through a participatory structure which includes citizens and civil society in order to reduce the democratic deficit plaguing the European Union
By implementing the rights enshrined in the "European Charter of Active Citizenship" which sets out the rights and duties of civic organizations participating in the decision making process related to public policies, as well as the obligations of public institutions
By recognizing that the real practice of consultation needs to be better regulated from the point of view of the when and how and cannot be carried out only by the institutions at zero cost, but reimbursement of costs for all organizations participating must be guaranteed in order to avoid the inevitable discrimination and increase the number of participants
By standardizing the national electoral laws concerning the criteria for the allocation of seats at European level
By nearing Europe to the territories and the suburbs, and vice versa, promoting forms of involvement of civil society through activities - including circulating activities - as those organised at the time of the introduction of the single currency
By combining the widespread use of online communication and the gradual reduction of the digital divide with information-based activities in order to meet the requirements for participation, access, information and protection of a wide range of European citizens
By requiring EUROSTAT to make the collection of data based on the Manual on the Measurement of voluntary work of the ILO mandatory in order to provide data on the economic contribution generated by volunteer work
By developing a legislative proposal at Community level to recommend the granting of voting rights - at least at local and European level - to third-country nationals who are long-term residents, as this action would be a responsible integration factor
By facilitating the Member States to insert within its own system the acquisition of citizenship for "people born in the territory and lawfully and habitually resident there" as laid down in the European Convention on Nationality
By developing a legislative proposal for legal recognition of different meanings and levels of nationalities in order to bring forward a model of inclusive and democratic citizenship which would include also the recognition of the right to be elected by the citizens from third countries
By reforming European policies on immigration and committing to a new culture of hospitality for migrants, respect for human rights and co-development, discarding the perspective of Europe "based on security"
By establishing an ad hoc commission to study/update common EU migration policies
By providing programs at euro-Mediterranean and euro-African levels for humanitarian protection for refugees and asylum seekers who find themselves in transit countries, as well as plans for cooperation for the protection of human rights in the management of migration and asylum policies in those third countries most affected by the passage of migrants towards the EU |