11th European Patients' Rights Day - Last days for registering!!
Active Citizenship Network - ACN is glad to invite you to the next conference of the XI European Patients Rights Day (10 May 2017 10:00 -14:00 EESC Brussels) that this year will be focused on:
"The European & National Medicines Regulatory Systems:the challenges for an equitable, timely and suitable access to innovation".
The topics that will be treated
a) The actual regulatory system model in Europe, how to assure an equitable, timely and suitable access to innovation?
b) National experiences of management of innovation
- from Marketing Authorization to concrete access for patients: successes and failures of access of medicinal products in different EU countries (e.g. Hepatitis C, cancer etc..)
c)The involvement of patient organisations in the regulatory process
- sharing good examples of involvement of patient organizations in the Eu Medicines Agency and the different patients’ engagement modalities in the national medicines agencies processes.
See here the program

To attend the event, please REGISTER HERE by the 2dn of May |