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Monthly Newsletter edited by Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network
Civic Activism | Patients' Rights | Consumers' Rights | Support ACN
Year 6th, number 57 - April 2018

Therapeutic adherence: value the impact for patients and healthcare system

23rd May 2018,  09:30 – 13:00
European Parliament - Room PHS - P7C050

In line with the topic of healthcare systems’ sustainability, addressed in the previous conferences of the European Patients‘ Rights Day, the twelfth edition will contribute to the current policy debate on how to achieve a more sustainable provision of care. The poor adherence to treatments has, in fact, significant implications for the expenditures of healthcare and it is estimated to increase costs of approximately €80 billion a year.
The event will be an occasion to foster communication among different partners/actors in the healing and caring process to improve adherence to treatments and take commitments to increase the respect of patients’ rights and their involvement as  fundamental active partners with health professionals in their own care, respecting the fundamental values recognised by the European Charter of Patients’ Rights.


Read more and share with us your experience on therapeutic adherence!


It is a pleasure invite you to the meeting that Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation is organizing in the European Parliament on April 26 from 11.00 to 12:30 :

From local to global: promoting societal impact of pain

The event is hosted by the MEP Rosa Estaràs Ferragut and realized in partnership with Active Citizenship Network.

The aim of the initiative is to present to the EU Institutions and stakeholders the unique experience of the SINE DOLORE WORLD PARK, the first theme park in the world against pain and for the quality of life. During the event will be shared and discussed other awareness experiences, gathered across Europe, and their contribution to promote a societal impact of pain.



1 - 6 May Menorca (Spain): IV edition of the “Sine Dolore World Park”
The Sine Dolore World Park is a totally unusual and unparalleled event at an international level, because all of Menorca becomes, for a few days, a theme park against pain and for the quality of life. The event count on  the absolute involvement of the entire Menorcan society and its political, economic, military and ecclesiastical institutions. See the video

3-6 May Menorca (Spain): Pain Forum
Join the Pain Forum on Menorca with 16 conferences and round table about pain where more than 1000 participants are expected. Further information can be found here.  

6 May Menorca (Spain): Making visible the invisible on chronic pain: sharing successful experiences from Spain to Europe
Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation and Active Citizenship Network have the pleasure to invite to the meeting that will be held in Menorca Island (Spain) next 6 of May 2018 from 9.00 to 11.00 titled:

Making visible the invisible on Chronic Pain:
sharing successful experiences from Spain to Europe

The event is promoted in the framework of the IV edition of the “SINE DOLORE WORLD PARK, the unique theme park in the world against pain and for the quality of life.

The aim is to facilitate the exchange of experiences among the managers of good practices in the area of chronic pain -gathered across Spain- and to explore how to promote these win experiences  at EU level.  

For panelists and participants, Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation guarantees free accommodation in hotel (one night, IN: 5 of May, OUT: 6 of May in the afternoon) and free entrance to the Gran Gala Sine Dolore (see the image here below) and the Gala Dinner in the evening of 5 of May.

​ -------> CLICK HERE TO PARTICIPATE (registration is mandatory by 30 of April)

For further information, please contact Gemma Fernández Bosch, in copy, General Manager Sine Dolore, European Pain Foundation - mail: gemmafernandez@sinedolorefoundation.org.

12 May 2018 Malta: “Rehabilitation and reintegration of Patients with Chronic pain and Fibromyalgia in the work force”.
Active Citizenship Network has been invited to the ENFA General Assembly and high level conference titled “Rehabilitation and reintegration of Patients with Chronic pain and Fibromyalgia in the work force”. The conference will take place under the auspices of HE the President of Malta Ms Marie-Louise Coleiro Preca from 9-12 am in Malta. In that occasion, ACN and ENFA will communicate their strengthened partnership in the field of pain relief. To know more click here.

8 June in Gozo (Malta) and 9 June in Malta: “Patients’ Charter – Rights and Obligations”
Active Citizenship Network has been invited as speaker in two conferences organized by National Patients' Organisation-Malta to empower leader of advocacy groups and citizens in the healthcare sector. Starting from the experience of the “European charter of patients' rights”, the meeting will be an occasion also to provide evidence about the respect of the patients' right when dealing with various causes and illnesses  and avoid unnecessary pain across Europe. For further information, contact: npo.malta@gmail.com

16 June 2018 Lisbon (Portugal): “Together by Pain”
The event “Together by Pain”, opened to national patients associations with chronic pain will have the participation as partner of Active Citizenship Network and the endorsement of the MEPs Interest Group “European Patients’ Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare”. 
The initiative is organized by the Portuguese Associação de Doentes de Dor Crónica dos Açores, ADDCA and the portuguese MEP Sofia Ribeiro and has stakeholders in Portugal and Europe. To know more, please contact Maria Teresa Flor-de-Lima: mtflordelima@gmail.com


Director and Editor in chief: Mariano Votta
Editors: Daniela Quaggia
Coordination and Production: Giacomo D'Orazio 

To contribute, plase write to: mail@activecitizenship.net

Active Citizenship Network c.o. Cittadinanzattiva - Via Cereate 6 - 00183 Roma - Tel. +39 6 367181 - Fax +39 6 36718333
Representative office to the UE: Rue Philippe Le Bon, 46 - 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: (+39) 340 84 65 097 Mail: brussels@activecitizenship.net