Year 8th, number 85 - November 2020
JOIN US for the
18th and 19th November 2020

To join the conference, please register here (registration is mandatory) |
Highlight |
Active Citizenship Network (ACN) is glad to invite you to the 14th European Patients’ Rights Day that will be celebrated with a digital conference on 18th and 19th November 2020.
The 2020 conference titled “ONE health approach, MULTIPLE answers: citizens’ engagement & stakeholders' actions to tackle antimicrobial resistance and sustain EU progress” will be virtually held on 18th November from 17:00 to 19:00 and on 19th November from 15:30 to 17:30
The conference will focus on the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) and on the importance of the citizens’ engagement for a multi-stakeholder action, with the aim to foster the communication among the different actors active against AMR, exchange opinions on this challenge, and continue promoting the reinforcement of the rights established in the EU Charter of Patients’ Rights. We hope to welcome you virtually at our event!
To learn more about the conference please click here.
Click here to know more about our policy on patient safety: focus on Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) |
Focus |
Increasing consciousness and access to treatment, reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases across Europe
Starting from the second half of 2019, on NCDs ACN has decided to increase the awareness of a growing number of patients’ rights associations on the importance of the prevention and management of NCDs. To do so, it was launched a multi-annual EU project with the aim of increasing consciousness on correct lifestyles and access to treatment, collecting good practices and reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases across Europe. Read more
The initiative is in line with our “Position paper on prevention, innovation and a new health governance for the new EU Institutions”, drafted in May 2019 by ACN with the endorsement of 18 associations. To download the document, click here.
Join us! A cycle of online EU training seminars addressed to the leaders of civic and patients’ associations from different European countries, which are not yet particularly focused on the theme of cardiovascular protection, has been planned within the end of 2020. Next appointments:
16 November 16.30-18.30 (CET): “Cardiovascular diseases: the red flags”
17 November 16.30-18.30 (CET): “From acute care to chronic care: a health pathway”
For the registration, click here (registration is mandatory)
14 December 16.30-18.30 (CET): “Infectious diseases prevention”
15 December 16.30-18.30 (CET): “New strategies of prevention, cure, and follow up”
For the registration, click here (registration is mandatory)
To know more about all the presentations of the first two training seminars realized last 29 & 30 of October, please click here. To watch the recorded training seminars click here for the seminar on 29 October, and click here for the seminar on 30 October.

Click here to know more about the commitment of Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network in the prevention of cerebral and cardiovascular diseases.
News |
Patients' Rights |
“2020: From celebratory ‘Year of the Nurse’ to COVID-19 – Impact on mental health”
The publication highlights the link between chronic disease, mental health, and COVID-19. The article also describes how the nurses are committed to ensure better mental health for their patients and colleagues. Read more |
Consumers' Rights |
How much do you know about bioplastics?
The survey realized in the framework of the EU project BIOnTOP aims to assess the consumers' perception of bio-based products. The data will be collected anonymously and will be analysed by MC in order to design a set of recommendations, to be promoted at European and national level, on how to increase consumers' virtuous behaviour and promote Bioplastics knowledge.
To fill in the questionnaire, click here: English language, French, Spanish, Greek, Italian.
Networking news |
Active Citizenship Network keeps growing, and not only in Europe. In this newsletter we are going to report a series of agreements formalized in this last period, which testify a growing interest in our work on the one hand, and - on the other hand- our willingness to collaborate in synergy with the many actors of civil society who pursue common purposes. This message follows the agreements already announced last May. To know more click here. |
Agreement with IFOK, a German key actor
Active Citizenship Network is pleased to announce that a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with IFOK, a German consultancy that deals with sustainable development, digitization, energy transition, new mobility, health, civic participation. ACN and IFOK have agreed to promote the active participation of citizens in line with the objective of the Conference on the Future of Europe, proposed by the European Commission and the European Parliament, for the reduction of inequalities, the promotion of active European citizenship, greater social cohesion, and greater attention to marginalized communities and disadvantaged people. Read more about the new ACN partner.
Agreement with Give a Day
Active Citizenship Network has recently signed an official agreement with Give a Day, the online platform that connects volunteers, organizations and schools, companies and municipalities for a real social change through volunteer projects.
ACN and Give a Day have agreed to collaborate and support each other at an European level with the aim to: promote the active participation of citizens in public policies focused on protecting citizens' rights and safeguarding common goods; support initiatives in the field of the younger generations: training, exchange of experiences and good practices, and specific projects such as “Active for Young Professionals” conducted by ACN; contribute to the dialogue on the future of Europe, for the reduction of inequalities, the promotion of active European citizenship, greater social cohesion and the reduction of the digital divide. Read more about the new ACN partner.
Agreement with CEDEI-Centro para el Desarrollo, la Educación y la Investigación
Active Citizenship Network is pleased to announce that a Memorandum of Understanding has been signed with the Colombian association CEDEI, which aims at human and social development, and research and knowledge management. The starting point of this connection is linked with the multi-annual commitment of Cittadinanzattiva in Colombia, where it worked together with UNDP and local actors in the field of civic participation and citizen rights’ protection.
ACN and CEDEI will support each other with the aim to cooperate on projects and create synergies in areas of common interest: health care, civic participation, education, young generation. Read more about the new ACN partner.
Agreement to reinforce our policy on the struggle against pain at the EU level
Active Citizenship Network is glad to announce the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with NO PAIN Onlus, an italian association focused on the treatment of pain. In particular, NO PAIN has accepted to join the Jury of the III edition of the “European Civic Prize on Chronic Pain - Collecting Good Practices”. Read more about the new ACN partner.