Year 9th, number 94 - September 2021

Active Citizenship Network (ACN) is glad to invite you on the 29th of September 2021, from 11.30 to 13.00 CEST, to the digital event titled “Promoting civic information to better address the collateral damage of COVID-19 on cardiovascular disease across Europe”.
The EU webinar organized by Active Citizenship Network is scheduled in occasion of the Annual “World Heart Day”: starting from data provided by the European Society of Cardiology on the Covid-19 impact, thanks to this initiative, ACN’s aim is to highlight some key messages - both in terms of prevention and in terms of health priorities for the coming years. About it, Active Citizenship Network is happy to confirm that this European webinar has been included in the portal of the EU Union focused on the Conference for the Future of Europe, and it will be hosted by the MEPs Interest Group "European Patients' Rights & CrossBorder Healthcare”.
For more information please click here and write to d.quaggia@activecitizenship.net |
Focus |
“World Heart Day”: a new communication campaign launched by Active Citizenship Network
The “World Heart Day” is the perfect day to quit smoking, start exercising and start eating healthy – all in the name of keeping your heart rate in good conditions, and improving the health and well-being of people all over the world. On this occasion, Active Citizenship Network will carry out for the first time at the EU level ad hoc European and national awareness campaigns on proper lifestyles and on the prevention of the risks linked to cardiovascular disorders and pathologies. The initiative is realized as part of the multi annual EU project “Increasing consciousness and access to treatment, reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases across Europe”.
For more information, please visit the ACN official youtube channel in occasion of the “World Heart Day” (29th of September 2021).
News |
Patients' Rights |
“Health at the heart of the future of Europe”: cycle of EU Webinars led by Active Citizenship Network
Launched as a follow up of the XV European Patients’ Rights Day, “Health at the heart of the future of Europe” is the title of the cycle of EU Webinars which Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network is holding to feed the debate of the Conference on the Future of Europe. The main idea is to highlight the priority of health as a common good in the debate of our and of the next generation, prescribing a healthier future for Europeans.
Healthcare, well-being and a healthy lifestyle are vital for all of us. The coronavirus pandemic has revealed a need to work together to build stronger health systems and protect European’s physical and mental health.
While national governments are primarily responsible for healthcare and medical services, European Union health policies can support and strengthen this action.
The cycle of initiatives organized by ACN (II° half 2021 – I° half 2022) with the direct involvement of MEPs, high level experts, leader of civic organizations and PAGs, and citizens aims to contribute to providing a multi-stakeholder vision for a Healthier European Union. By voicing your opinions, hopes and concerns, you can influence the way healthcare is provided in Europe.
Each EU Webinar led by ACN will be realized in the framework of the MEPs Interest Group on “European Patients’ Rights & Cross-Border Healthcare” (2019-2024 Term) and hosted by the multilingual digital platform for the Conference on the Future of Europe, created to enable citizens across the Union to share and exchange ideas and opinions through online events.
As an output of the cycle, recommendations will be forwarded to EU Institutions as a contribution to the Conference for the Future of Europe on the discussed topics. Here you can find the already realized (in June and July 2021) and planned (in September 2021) initiatives led by Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network. 
EU multi-annual project “Increasing consciousness and access to treatment, reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases across Europe”
Following our “Position paper on prevention, innovation and a new health governance for the new EU Institutions”, drafted in May 2019 by ACN with the endorsement of 18 associations, on Non-Communicable Diseases, Active Citizenship Network has decided to increase the awareness of a growing number of patients’ rights associations on the importance of the prevention of pathologies correlated to cardiovascular protection. To do so, it was launched, from the second half of 2019, a multi-annual EU project with the aim of increasing consciousness on correct lifestyles and access to treatment, collecting good practices and reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases across Europe.
Supported by Bayer, the advocacy expertise on CVDs at the EU level has been guaranteed by the “European Congenital Heart Disease Organisation”, Stroke Alliance for Europe” and “The Heart Failure Policy Network”, while the scientific support has been provided by the “Italian Society of General Medicine and Primary Care” (SIMG). 21 PAGs from 16 Countries have been involved in a cycle of training seminars, in the definition and dissemination at the national level of an awareness campaign, in a policy dialogue & networking at the EU level. Read more

To know more:
The commitment of Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (EN – IT)
EU health organisations calling for action on cardiovascular disease
The signatory organisations jointly call for a comprehensive EU policy response to address the increasing burden of cardiovascular disease and ensure that citizens can live longer, healthier lives – regardless of where they are born or live in the EU – and enable them to continue to contribute to society and the economy. Click here to download the joint statement, signed last June 2021, that will be officially presented next 27 September in occasion of the launch of the European Alliance for Cardiovascular Health. You can register via this link

Events |
23 September 2021: European Patient Digital Health Awards Ceremony
The European Patient Digital Health Awards will award the best projects that convey digital health solutions closer to patients and healthcare providers, in the most innovative way. Active Citizenship Network is officially involved in the Jury, while several initiatives are dealing with CVDs.
MSD created the first European Patient Digital Health Awards with Digital Health Academy as a strategic initiative to recognize innovation from a patient perspective and applaud to solutions that improve the quality of life. Read more. 
29 Oct. 2021 World Stroke Day: “EU PAGs & citizens together in the fight against stroke” EU training seminar
Evidence and data collected during the pandemic outbreak show that COVID-19 has had a significant impact on patients with cardiovascular disease (CVD).
According to an extensive worldwide survey by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), the number of heart attack patients seeking urgent hospital care has dropped by more than 50% during the COVID-19 outbreak, and this was the strongest evidence yet of the collateral damage caused by the pandemic. Fear of catching the coronavirus means even people in the midst of a life-threatening heart attack are too afraid to go to the hospital for life-saving treatment.
The initiative organized by Active Citizenship Network will focus on stroke, and it could be considered the ideal follow up of the multi annual EU project on cardiovascular disease, realized with the scientific support of the Italian Society of HCPs and 20 organizations coming from 15 Countries. To know more click here, to register click here |
Director and Editor in chief: Mariano Votta
Editors: Daniela Quaggia, Bianca Ferraiolo, Maira Cardillo, Manuela Amadori
Coordination and Production: Giacomo D'Orazio
To contribute, plase write to: mail@activecitizenship.net
Active Citizenship Network c.o. Cittadinanzattiva - Via Cereate 6 - 00183 Roma - Tel. +39 6 367181 - Fax +39 6 36718333
Representative office to the UE: Rue Philippe Le Bon, 46 - 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: (+39) 340 84 65 097 Mail: brussels@activecitizenship.net