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Monthly Newsletter edited by Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network
Civic Activism | Patients' Rights | Consumers' Rights | Support ACN
Year 7th, number 70 - June 2019

Job opportunity at ACN
Active Citizenship Network (ACN), the European branch of the Italian NGO Cittadinanzattiva, is looking for a candidate to be the maternity-replacement in their Representative Office in Brussels, Belgium. The candidate will be accountable to the Director of ACN.
In this young, creative, stimulating and dynamic context, we offer the opportunity to work to improve the lives of European citizens and patients with a job able to give personal fulfillment. Read more


Steering Committee meeting of the new EU vaccine project led by ACN
In line with its In line with its engagement on vaccination, Active Citizenship Network launched during the European immunization week a new initiative at the European level called “European active citizens for vaccine promotion”. The first meeting of the Steering Committee of the project will be held in Brussels at the beginning of July. To know more about this new initiative, click here.


Patients' Rights

ACN joins experts on pain
In the framework of the 2nd edition of the project “EU Civic Prize on Chronic Pain - Collection of good practices”, on 19th June in Brussels, Active Citizenship Network will bring together the Members of the Jury in order to identify the winners for the following 4 categories: patients’ empowerment, innovation, clinical practices, and professional education. The award ceremony will be held in Brussels on November the 6th, the evening before the SIP 2019 symposium. To know more about the Prize, click here

IMI pool of patient experts
IMI has involved patients in its projects and activities since the very beginning. Now, IMI plans to create a pool of patient experts to strengthen the role and voice of patients in IMI activities at both the strategic and operational levels. To know more, click here

Consumers' Rights

European Consumer Consultative Group meeting
The European Consumer Consultative Group (ECCG) is the EU Commission's main forum to consult with national and European consumer organisations. Italian consumer organizations are represented by Cittadinanzattiva, and the meeting planned next 26th and 27th of June will be mainly focused on an update of the New Deal for Consumers, an update on the REFIT evaluation of the Retail Financial Services directives and communication on Product Safety. To know more about ECCG, click here

Call for expression of interest for the renewal of the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority
The European Commission is organising a selection procedure to replace 7 out of 14 of the members of the Management Board of the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) whose mandates will expire on 30 June 2020. The call for expressions of interest is published in the Official Journal of the European Union: OJ C 179 of 24 May 2019. The Application Form and Declaration of Interest Form are accessible here. The deadline for submission of applications is 19 July 2019. For more information, visit EFSA website

Civic Activism

Roundtable on the future of advocacy at the EU level
In the framework of the EU project Polart Circle, funded by the Erasmus+ Programme Strategic Partnership, the EU branch of Cittadinanzattiva Active Citizenship Newtwork will organize an initiative to reflect the obstacles and opportunities to better advocate at the EU level. The title of the roundtable is “Active in Europe: advocacy prospects in the aftermath of the European Elections” To participate, please contact m.votta@cittadinanzattiva.it. To know more about the project, click here


18th June, Brussels (Belgium): Protecting consumers taking credit in the digital era: Can we do better?
The aim of the conference is to exchange views on the functioning of the existing rules for consumer credit and discussing possible improvements. “Protecting consumers taking credit in the digital era: Can we do better?” is a full day conference, jointly organised by CEPS-ECRI and the European Commission, Directorate General for Justice and Consumers. The conference will take place at the CEPS premises at Place du Congres 1, 1000-Brussels. The registration will be open from 08:30 am, with the opening remarks given at 08:45 am. For more information, please contact Sylvain Bouyon: sylvain.bouyon@ceps.eu

19th June, Brussels (Belgium): Pain Alliance Europe General Assembly 2019
As a Board Member of Pain Alliance Europe, Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network will participate to the Annual PAE General Assembly. To know more, please contact PAE secretariat

24th June, Rome (Italy): Annual Assembly of The European Movement – Italy
As a Board Member, Cittadinanzattiva will participate in the Assembly that will take place at the Spazio Europa, hosted at the venue of the EU Commission representation in Italy. To know more click here

17th and 18th of July, Helsinki (Finland): Annual Forum of IMI project DRIVE
Recognized by the organizers as an expert in the field, Active Citizenship Network has been invited to participate in the panel of the Annual Forum of DRIVE in order to provide a citizens perspective on vaccine policy. The DRIVE project (Development of Robust and Innovative Vaccine Effectiveness) was established in 2017 under Innovative Medicines Initiative. DRIVE is developing a European platform for studying brand-specific influenza vaccine effectiveness. The meeting will be held at the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) in Helsinki, Finland. To know more about the project, click here.


Director and Editor in chief: Mariano Votta
Editors: : Hannah Minasian, Daniela Quaggia e Bianca Ferraiolo
Coordination and Production: Giacomo D'Orazio 

To contribute, plase write to: mail@activecitizenship.net

Active Citizenship Network c.o. Cittadinanzattiva - Via Cereate 6 - 00183 Roma - Tel. +39 6 367181 - Fax +39 6 36718333
Representative office to the UE: Rue Philippe Le Bon, 46 - 1000 Brussels (Belgium)
Tel: (+39) 340 84 65 097 Mail: brussels@activecitizenship.net