At the National level
The topic of therapeutic adherence was addressed by Cittadinanzattiva through the National Coalition of Associations for Patients Suffering Chronic Diseases (CnAMC). The CnAMC is a network of Cittadinanzattiva established in 1996, which represents an example of crosscutting alliance between associations of people with chronic and rare diseases for the protection of their rights. It has about one hundred members.
- Since 2000, Cittadinanzattiva-CnAMC has been publishing a National Annual Report on chronic policies which includes data on therapeutic adherence. To read the XVI Report, published in 2018, please click here.
- “Manifesto on the rights and duties of patients for a sustanaible, equitable, uniform, and timely access to pharmaceutical therapies” (2013)
- “Civic survey on patients’ experience with the use of drugs, with a focus on biological and biosimilar medicines” (2014)
- “Training meeting: adherence to therapies and the role of associations” (2016)
- “Civic survey on doctors’ experience with adherence to therapies, with a focus on biological and biosimilar medicines” (2017)
- Web series #followthelife (“#seguilavita”) (2017). To know more, please visit Cittadinanzattiva’s youtube channel:
- Information campaign “Couple Treatment” (“Cura di Coppia”) (2017-2018). To know more, please visit the website:
- “Annual Report on Pharmacies” (2017-2018)
- “Survey on therapeutic adherence across Italian Regions” (2018)
- “Civic recommendation on therapeutic adherence” (2018)
- “Civic Monitoring of hospital pharmacies. Focus on drugs distribution” (2018-2019, ongoing).
- Ongoing multi-annual communication campaign with advertisements, leaflets in different languages, apps, etc. called “#IoEquivalgo” with information on correct adherence to therapy. To know more, please visit the website:
- Media activity. Here you are some articles related our commitment on therapeutic adherence at the national level:
- o Aderenza alla terapia, Cittadinanzattiva rende merito ai farmacisti (, 23 July, 2018)
- o Aderenza terapeutica, Cittadinanzattiva: dal 30% al 50% dei farmaci non sono assunti in modo corretto. In UE oltre 194mila decessi (Sanità Informazione, 18 July, 2018)
- o Per un medico su 3 poco tempo per il paziente (, 23 Feb. 2017)
At the EU level
In line with our commitment at the national level, Active Citizenship Network has been addressing the topic also at the European level with the following initiatives:
- (2017-ongoing): The support of Active Citizenship Network on value added medicines.
- 2018: “Therapeutic adherence: value the impact for patients and healthcare system” was the title of the 12th European Patients’ Rights Day, celebrated last May 23rd by Active Citizenship Network at the European Parliament. The event was an occasion to foster communication among different partners/actors in the healing and caring process to improve adherence to treatments and take commitments. Starting from concrete experiences, the conference provided patient associations, health care professionals, scientists, pharmacists, industry and representatives of national and European institutions with the opportunity to work together in identifying the main changes that are necessary to fight non-adherence to treatment plans.
- 2018-2019: As follow up of the 12th European Patients’ Rights Day, ACN launched a communication campaign called “From Therapeutic Adherence to Therapeutic Alliance”. The campaign involved a video recorded in English which was disseminated at the EU level as well as several videos recorded in national languages and spread in Bulgaria, Cyprus, Turkey Cyprus, Ireland, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Malta, Spain, Croatia with the direct involvement of ACN’s national partners.