
Institutional working groups

The following are the main working groups that, on an informal basis, have been promoted by institutional actors at the national or European level who have asked Cittadinanzattiva/ACN to participate.

At the European level

Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network is officially recognized by the European Commission as:

  • Since 2022: ACN was officially appointed by the EU Commission as a member of the HERA Civil Society Forum, the expert group of the HERA Advisory Forum, led by the European Health Emergency preparedness and Response Authority (HERA). The Civil Society Forum makes the interactions between interested parties easier and acts as a contact point between HERA and stakeholders representing patients, consumers and healthcare professionals. It provides views, observations and opinions from civil society stakeholders to the HERA Advisory Forum on matters of health preparedness and response, with a focus on medical countermeasures.


  • Since 2019: In line with its long-term commitment at the national and European levels on vaccination, ACN was invited by the EU Commission to join the Coalition for Vaccination, an initiative based on the 2018 EU Council Recommendation on strengthened cooperation against vaccine-preventable diseases, together with associations of healthcare professionals and other relevant stakeholders to address myths about vaccination and exchange best practices. In particular, Active Citizenship Network was appointed as an associated organisation actively supporting and sharing the vision and values of the Coalition for Vaccination.



On 18 November 2019, among other initiatives, ACN was also invited to join the jury of the EU-JAMRAI Antibiotic Resistance Symbol Contest, held in the framework of the European Antibiotic Awareness Day, for the definition of an international symbol to recognize the global threat of antimicrobial resistance.

  • Since 2018: official stakeholder and collaborating partner to the European Joint Action on Vaccination (EU-JAV), a joint effort by European countries to tackle vaccination together. In particular, ACN is interested in activities linked with the integration of the project in national policies, sustainability, vaccine hesitancy and uptake.




  • Since 2017: Invited by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), Cittadinanzattiva has joined several expert groups to deal with increasing vaccine coverage, such as:
    • TheECDC Technical Advisory Group for Increasing Vaccines Uptake
    • The ECDC VPD Technical Advisory Committee
    • Recently, along 2022, the ACN Director has been invited to join the ECDC Expert Workshop Addressing Online Vaccination Misinformation
    • For further information, click here (IT)



  • 2017/2019: In March 2017, the EU Commission-DG Energy recognized Tiziana Toto, Responsible for Energy policies and Environment at Cittadinanzattiva, as a member of the energy expert sub-group of the European Consumer Consultative Group (ECCG). The ECCG is a consultative group set up by the European Commission, entrusted to represent the interests of consumers at the Commission. The ECCG established a sub-group on Energy as an advisory body on energy and consumer issues. Read more 

  • Since 2017: Invited by the European Commission-DG Energy and DG Consumers, Cittadinanzattiva annually participates in the “Citizens' Energy Forum”, a major European event for civic organisations to debate with Institutions and relevant stakeholders on the main issues related to energy policies. Participating in the Forum on behalf of Cittadinanzattiva are the Responsible for Energy policies and Environment at Cittadinanzattiva and the Director of Active Citizenship Network. 



  • 2016/2019: the Italian consumer associations had indicated Cittadinanzattiva as the consumer associations’ representative to the EU Commission. As a result, the Responsible of EU Affairs of Cittadinanzattiva and ACN Director was officially appointed Full Member of the European Consumer Consultative Group, a consultative group set up by the European Commission-DG Justice and Consumers, entrusted to represent the interests of consumers at the Commission and give opinions on issues relating to the conception and implementation of policy and action on the subjects of protecting and informing consumers. 

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At the national level in Italy

Cittadinanzattiva is involved in the Consiglio Nazionale dei Consumatori e degli Utenti - Commissione Consiliare Politiche Europee, actively participating through its European branch Active Citizenship Network to the activities of the Council Committee on European Policies, whose objective is to elaborate proposals in relation to European Union Policies.


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