
External supporter of EU-funded projects

E-GEIA (Cognitive Enrichment of European health rights for the Elderly)

Recognizing the importance and contribution of all European Union values and rights, the project E-geia, focus on the field of health, intending to achieve deep understanding and provide tangible benefits to all stakeholders involved.

The E-geia project is implemented in the framework of BUILD program, by the Union of Working Consumers of Greece in partnership with the Institute of Innovation and Development Studies, both Active Citizenship Network official partners.

Started in 2024, the E-geia general objective is to provide the third age people the opportunity to know their rights in the EU context through the understanding of practical benefits about them.

A parallel aim is to raise awareness among the Civil Society Organizations/CSO, relatives and students of health professions, mainly on discrimination and equal treatment issues.

Active Citizenship Network has been involved in the study visit in Italy and public events.

The Program “Building a robust and democratic civic space” (BUILD) aims to protect, promote and widely recognize the EU fundamental rights and values, through the support of Civil Society Organization in Greece and the Republic of Cyprus and the strengthening of their capacities and sustainability. BUILD Program cofunding is provided by the European Education and Culture Executive Agency, within the framework of the program “Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values” (CERN) the Bodosaki foundation in Greece and the NGO Support Center in the Republic of Cyprus with a funding amount of 2,9 million Euros. The coordinator of BUILD is Bodosaki Foundation (Greece) in partnership with the NGO Support Center in the Republic of Cyprus.

More information for the E-geia project here

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IDEAHL (Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living)

The Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living project (IDEAHL) aims at developing and testing newmodels and approaches of (digital) health literacy (d)HL intervention development and application through the co-creation of a comprehensive and inclusive EU (d)HL Strategy.

The ultimate purpose of the project will be to empower EU citizens in using digital tools to take a more active role in the management of their own health and well-being, as well as supporting social innovations for person-centred care models. 

With a duration of 24 months, the project started in April 2022 and it was financed by HORIZON RIA (Research and Innovation Actions, Staying Healthy). 

The IDEAHL consortium is composed of 14 multi-disciplinary partners from 10 EU Member States, which work hand in hand with patients, citizens, and the broad socio-economic sector at local level.

The project will first conduct an extensive mapping of health literacy (HL) and (d)HL research, initiatives, and projectsin the EU and beyond.

It will define best practices and champions in these fields to foster knowledge exchange anduptake of selected practices. Building on these foundations, IDEAHL will launch a large co-creation process to designand plan its EU (d)HL Strategy.

The Director of Active Citizenship Network has been involved in Advisory Board.

To know more about the project, click here.

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MoPAct (Mobilising the potential of active ageing in Europe)

MoPAct (Making longevity an asset for economic and social development)


The MOPACT project provides the evidence upon which Europe can begin to make longevity an asset for social and economic development. The project brought together a multidisciplinary team to target the key challenges of ageing.

This ambitious project ran for four years from March 2013 to February 2017 and included a unique collaboration which drew on 29 partners in 13 countries across Europe to study the interfaces between the changing demographic profile and its economic and social impact. The consortium comprised a multi-disciplinary group of leading researchers who proposed innovative ways to realise active ageing in Europe.


The project supported the goals set by Horizon 2020 and the European Innovation Partnership in Active and Healthy Ageing to increase average healthy life expectancy across the EU through a series of policy, practice, service developments, product development and innovations required to support this aim.

The MOPACT aim was to develop the research and practical evidence which would enable Europe to ensure its ageing population is an asset to its society and the economy.


To know more, click here.

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Recognized as a MoPAct Stakeholder, the Director of Active Citizenship Network the MOPACT Active Ageing Forums as weel as the MOPACT Stakeholder Forum 2016.

YOUNG50 (30 Sept, 2021): Promoting civic information to better address the collateral damage of COVID-19 on cardiovascular disease

The initiavite took the high interest of the whole constituency of the EU project funded by the European Union’s Health Programme (2014-2020) called “YOUNG50 #Stay Healthy - Cardiovascular Risk Prevention” as you can read here

The initiavite took the high interest of several stakeholder, YOUNG50 #Stay Healthy - Cardiovascular Risk Prevention

Digi-Label (Delivering digital Energy Labelling solutions to enable consumer action on purchasing energy efficient appliances)

The EU project “Digi-Label” started in 2016 with the aim to design and deliver digital tools and solutions to compliment the EU energy label, and the final goal to contribute to make the EU energy label easier to understand and more readily available in-store and online.

On September 2017, Cittadinanzattiva participated in the first round table meeting in Brussels that was realised in the framework of the “DigiLabel” EU project.  After a year of work, a group of expert advisors composed of retailers, manufacturers, consumer representatives and other stakeholders were invited to discuss the digital tool designed by the project (PocketWatt) and the findings of consumer research made in Spain and Germany about the acceptance of such a tool. know more, click here.

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DRIVE (Development of Robust and Innovative Vaccines Effectiveness)

The EU project DRIVE (Development of Robust and Innovative Vaccines Effectiveness) was an Innovative Medicines Initiative focus on vaccination, a public private partnership that aims to advance European cooperation in influenza vaccine effectiveness studies. Its partners include public health institutions, universities, small and medium-sized enterprises, vaccine manufacturers, and patient organizations. 

DRIVE was formed in July 2017 with the aim to establish a sufficiently sized network to generate robust, high quality, brand-specific effectiveness estimates for all influenza vaccines used in the EU each season. The data generated through DRIVE allow the expert to increase the understanding of influenza vaccine effectiveness, lead to enhanced monitoring of influenza vaccine performance by public health institutes and allow manufacturers to fulfil the requirements of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). 

DRIVE also aimed to develop a sustainable and transparent governance model for public private partnerships: a multistakeholder approach in health-related studies is an upward trend. Patient groups' engagement and involvement have particularly become important in vaccine research not only to ensure equity, accountability, and transparency but also to develop partnerships and networks and to include their perspective and need in the analysis.  In 2022, Active Citizenship Network - as DRIVE patient collaborator representative- answered some key questions on the impact of Covid-19 in their work and the importance of their involvement in a project such as DRIVE. To know more, click here.

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STAR-ProBio (Sustainability Transition Assessment and Research of Bio-based Products)

In 2017, the Responsible for Energy policies and Environment at Cittadinanzattiva APS and the Director of Active Citizenship Network were appointed to the External Advisory Board of the multi annual project “STAR-ProBio” to represent Italian issues. 

Focused on sustainability transition assessment and research of bio-based products, STAR-ProBio- Sustainability Transition Assessment and Research of Bio-based Products, constituted a multidisciplinary and multi-actor collaborative project that met environmental, social and economic challenges, paving the way for a much-needed sustainability transition towards a bio-based economy. To know more, click here.

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CropBooster-P (Preparatory action to Boost Global Crop Yield for Food & Nutrition Security and to Fuel a Bioeconomy)

The H2020 project started in November 2018, under the Sustainable Food Security call “Future proofing our plants”. The interlinked challenges of population growth, climate change and shifting diets have put the future of food and farming firmly in the spotlight. The CropBooster-P H2020 project aimed to develop a roadmap to future-proof European crops for these challenges – to do so, it has employed a stakeholder-focused approach to determine the impacts of various strategies for crop improvement.

Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network was involved as a member of the Stakeholder Group and engaged in the development of an outreach strategy that should guide and facilitate a targeted communication about novel plant breeding technologies with relevant stakeholder groups in the frame of future EU-funded projects. For further information, please click here.


European Union Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI)

ACN has been a stakeholders’forum member of the European Union Joint Action on Antimicrobial Resistance and Healthcare-Associated Infections (EU-JAMRAI) brought European Union member countries together to foster synergies and contribute to the global movement against microbial resistance to antibiotics. Under the motto "bridging the gap between declarations and actions" the Joint Action has produced concrete, sustainable results to lessen the burden of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) and reduce Healthcare-Associated Infections (HCAI). One of the key objectives of the Joint Action was to increase awareness on antimicrobial resistance and Healthcare  Associated Infections. However, EU-JAMRAI's communication team wanted to go beyond simply raising awareness. Our goal was to change behaviour and enhance the responsible use of antibiotics, promoting infection prevention and infection control best practices.

EU-JAMRAI participated in the XIV European Patients Rights Day 2020 “ONE health approach, MULTIPLE answers: Citizens’ engagement & stakeholders' actions to tackle antimicrobial resistance and sustain EU progress” with two speakers. 

To learn more about our policy on patient safety: focus on Healthcare-Associated Infections (HAIs) and Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR), click here

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FoodSafety4EU (Multi-Stakeholder Platform For Food Safety In Europe)

Food safety is a top priority for the European Commission. The central goal is to assure a high level of protection of human health through safe products by the food industry -Europe’s largest manufacturing and employment sector. The EU-funded FoodSafety4EUproject will design, develop and release a multi-stakeholder platform for the future European Food Safety System (FSS). The platform aims at establishing a network of FSS actors at the national, European and international level. It will enable them to access resources and data efficiently, synchronise food safety research strategies, share and exchange scientific knowledge and contribute to transparent communication regarding the FSS. The FoodSafety4EU platform will maximise cooperation within the system and with the civil society boosting the co-creation of strategies and their translation into policies and funding programmes.

In the second half of 2021, Active Citizenship Network, together with other supporting partners part of the project, was involved in the FoodSafety4EU activities by providing its voice on the importance of shaping a Food Safety System at the EU level and demonstrating its support to the project, with the hope to better address the topic of food safety in the context of the Conference on the Future of Europe. To know more, click here. 

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EU-JAV – European Union Joint Action on Vaccination

ACN has gained the opportunity to officially become a collaborating stakeholder of the EU-JAV - European Joint Action on Vaccination. This project has received co-funding from the European Union’s Health Programme. EU-JAV brought together the European Commission, health ministries, international policymakers and organisations, institutes, universities from 20 countries and a wide range of stakeholders, including civil society and manufacturers' representatives, working on vaccination policy and health services. Through its core mission of delivering and sharing concrete tools for stronger national responses to vaccination challenges, the EU‐JAV aimed at spurring long‐lasting European cooperation against vaccine‐preventable diseases and therefore improve population health. As a stakeholder of the EU-Jav, Active Citizenship Network has also contributed to the survey “Vaccine hesitancy and uptake. From research and practices to implementation”, published on June 2021 after being submitted to the European Commission. Click here to download the document rich of good practices and lessons learned identified through the data gathering.
Read more on the EU-JAV

eu jav

The ImmuHubs project

Acn has been invited to join the stakeholders of the ImmuHubs Project that aims to reduce transmission of vaccine-preventable diseases through an increased vaccination uptake among disadvantaged, isolated, and difficult to reach population groups. It aims to establish proactive partnerships with citizen groups, public health agencies, key stakeholders and the general public to improve access to vaccination in disadvantaged, isolated, and difficult to reach population groups in 6 European countries, according to best practices for community partnerships.

innovative immunisation hubs

IDEAHL ‐ Improving Digital Empowerment for Active Healthy Living

The ACN Director has been appinted as Advisory Board member of the IDEAHL project.It aims at developing and testing newmodels and approaches of (digital) health literacy ((d)HL) intervention development and application through the co-creation of a comprehensive and inclusive EU (d)HL Strategy. The IDEAHL consortium is composed of 14 multi-disciplinary partners from 10 EU Member States, which work hand in hand with patients, citizens, and the broad socio-economic sector at local level.The project will first conduct an extensive mapping of health literacy (HL) and (d)HL research, initiatives, and projectsin the EU and beyond. It will define best practices and champions in these fields to foster knowledge exchange anduptake of selected practices. Building on these foundations, IDEAHL will launch a large co-creation process to designand plan its EU (d)HL Strategy.

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