
EU-funded Projects

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. NIGHTINGALE will develop and validate an innovative set of integrated tools for sign......
May 2022
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 "PROPHET - a PeRsOnalized Prevention roadmap for the future HEalThcare" will develop a Strategic Research and Innovation Age......
January 2022
The Erasmus project BLISS wants to respond, with an integrated intervention from both the educational and social point of view, to the "need for health" and the related need to have the digital tools ......
January 2022
This project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU). FACILITATE is a 4-year project launched by the Innovative Medicines Initiative (IMI). Its pri......
January 2022
BioReCer received funding from the Horizon Europe framework programme under the grant agreement number 101060684. BIORECER aims to ensure the environmental performance and traceability of the biologi......
January 2022
Co-funded by the Health Programme of the European Union . AHEAD addresses the challenge of medical deserts and medical desertification in Europe in an effort to reduce health inequalities. At th......
July 2021
The ENGAGE project received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. ......
January 2020
NUDGE has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. NUDGE aims to systematically evaluate and fully unleash the potential of behavioural interventi......
January 2020
EU Project funded by EuropeAid Cypriot Civil Society in Action V. Patients’ Voice Project was the first European Union-funded project, implemented by the Universal Patient Rights Association (UPRA)......
January 2016
PolART Circle questions politics through creation. On a European scale, it offered a platform involving different partners, including artistic companies, citizens' NGOs, youth integration associations......
January 2016
ENS4Care, funded by the European Union, under the CIP-ICT-PSP-07 Framework Programme. ......
January 2015
At a national and European level, the project coordinated citizens' involvement with public authorities in nine European countries to increase citizen initiatives' impact on the policy-makin......
January 2015
The role of citizens' organisations in the empowerment of patients with chronic diseasesCo-funded by the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme (2008-2013). ......
April 2014
Citizenergy was born from the motivation to promote decentralised and democratic financing of a better energy future by supporting sustainable energy crowdfunding platforms and energy cooperatives: en......
January 2014
The project was realized with the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union. Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network coordinated the project. It comes from the idea of c......
January 2013
JoiEU comprised a series of transnational debates mobilizing citizen participation and usage of innovative communications, advocacy strategies, and tools culminating in joint policy initiatives f......
January 2013
Active Ageing citizens at the center of EU health policyCo-funded by the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme (2008-2013) ......
May 2012
Co-funded by the European Union, in the framework of the Health Programme (2008-2013) ......
April 2011
The main objective of this project was to raise the desire to become active citizens among young Europeans, informing them about the meaning and concrete practice of volunteering based on direct exper......
January 2011
The European Citizens' Consultation 2009 (ECC09) was a participative cross-border deliberative experiment that aimed to give European citizens a platform to discuss ideas with other EU citizens. In ad......
January 2008
A civic evaluation of National Regulatory Authorities (on transport, energy, etc.) is a typical example of a consumer organisation working for general interest services. The project involved eight Eur......
January 2006
The Charter aims to bridge the gap existing in the Community rules about the rights, duties, powers and responsibilities of civic organisations acting in the public policies cycle. The Charter was dra......
January 2005
As part of their activities on the "citizens' side" of corporate social responsibility and on the participation of citizens' organizations in policymaking, Active Citizenship Foundation (FONDACA) and ......
January 2005
The project aimed to involve citizens' organizations of the newly formed Europe and Latin America in the assessment and the revision of the representativeness criteria used to identify the civic NGOs ......
January 2003
This PROJECT intended to support national-based citizens' organizations of the, at the time, 28 New Europe countries in their efforts to be involved in the building of European citizenship. It was imp......
January 2002

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