The project was realized with the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.
Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network coordinated the project. It comes from the idea of collecting citizens' opinions on mobility in the EU as a critical theme for the European citizens' future and the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy. As a result, citizens were allowed to participate in decision-making and seek possible solutions regarding a pressing issue in their daily life and the following sustainable development implementation. They were able to formulate recommendations and present them to the EU institutions.
Read more (EN – IT) and related pages:
Mobility and transport, the view of the citizens in 8 Countries
Mobility and transport, a map of national stakeholders (a selection)
Mobility and transport, a map of EU stakeholders (a selection)
Moving in Europe: Meeting the challenges of European Citizens' Mobility from a civic point of view
Mobility - online quiz and free guide for passengers
Mobilidade, um paradigma de cidadania europeia (PT)
Mobilumas - Europinės pilietybės paradigma (LT)
Mobilnost: paradigma evropskog građanstva (BA)
Mobilita ako forma Európskeho občianstva (SK)
Мобилността: образец за Европейско гражданство (BG)
La Movilidad, un Paradigma de la Ciudadanía Europea (ES)
Mobilitatea, o paradigmă a Europei (RO)
Good practices concerning mobility from a civic point of view
Good Practices of Sustainable Mobility Database
Civic Recommendations for a new EU mobility
European Mobility Week, featuring the citizens
European Consumer Day: Launch of EU project “Mobility”
Involving users in order to improve the mobility and transport services in Europe
Duration: 2013