

The project was realized with the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union.

Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network coordinated the project. It comes from the idea of collecting citizens' opinions on mobility in the EU as a critical theme for the European citizens' future and the implementation of the Europe 2020 Strategy. As a result, citizens were allowed to participate in decision-making and seek possible solutions regarding a pressing issue in their daily life and the following sustainable development implementation. They were able to formulate recommendations and present them to the EU institutions.

Read more (ENIT) and related pages:

Mobility and transport, the view of the citizens in 8 Countries

Mobility and transport, a map of national stakeholders (a selection)

Mobility and transport, a map of EU stakeholders (a selection)

Moving in Europe: Meeting the challenges of European Citizens' Mobility from a civic point of view

Mobility - online quiz and free guide for passengers

Mobilidade, um paradigma de cidadania europeia (PT)

Mobilumas - Europinės pilietybės paradigma (LT)

Mobilnost: paradigma evropskog građanstva (BA)

Mobilita ako forma Európskeho občianstva (SK)

Мобилността: образец за Европейско гражданство (BG)

La Movilidad, un Paradigma de la Ciudadanía Europea (ES)

Mobilitatea, o paradigmă a Europei (RO)

Good practices concerning mobility from a civic point of view

Good Practices of Sustainable Mobility Database

Civic Recommendations for a new EU mobility

European Mobility Week, featuring the citizens

European Consumer Day: Launch of EU project “Mobility”

Involving users in order to improve the mobility and transport services in Europe

Duration: 2013

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