Involving users in order to improve the mobility and transport services in Europe. Presented in Brussels the result of the project "Mobility, a paradigm of European citizenship"
It was held on 18th December in Brussels the final conference of the project " Mobility , a paradigm of European citizenship", realized thanks to the contribution of the European Commission.
During the event was presented a survey on the quality of transport and possible areas for improvement conducted through direct interviews with citizens 8 European countries partners of the project sponsored by the European Network of the Italian NGO Cittadinanzattiva, Active Citizenship Network ( ): Bulgaria, Spain, Italy, Lithuania, Portugal, Romania, Serbia , Slovakia.
The survey involved 299 cities, of which 34% small towns, 33% medium, 15% great and 18% metropolis. According to the respondents (over 4,000 in total), the car is the favorite vehicle for travelling within their own country (49% for work or study, 64% of journeys for health care). An interesting finding concerns the movement by long distance bus.
In recent years, EU countries invested in public transports more than 40 billion euro, and 200 million European citizens travel every day.
"Organizations for consumer protection have the primary responsibility to inform and educate citizens about their rights, and the possibilities offered by the different options transport, as well as proposals on how to improve them", said the former European Commissioner Kuneva at the opening of the conference. Invitation immediately received from the eight partner organizations of the project, which emphasized the need for users to be more actively involved in monitoring and evaluating the quality of connections service transport . An important fact emerges more from the civic consultation carried out: 59% does not know if your municipality is equipped with an urban mobility plan, and 21 % does not know if it exists in their city means powered by sources other than fossil fuels .
Citizens then advanced to the European National Institutions 18 civic Recommendations, a list of priorities that would be important to invest in: a public transport truly integrated, information and ticketing systems homogeneous among the European territory, encourage the adoption of more environmentally friendly systems in the urban transportation, encourage car sharing systems as well as the promotion of cycling.
On are available the survey results, the short presentations of data and proposals, as well as guides to the rights of citizens in Europe.