

The main objective of this project was to raise the desire to become active citizens among young Europeans, informing them about the meaning and concrete practice of volunteering based on direct experience of civic and voluntary organisations. Furthermore, the project allowed voluntary organisations to understand better their actions in the European framework and qualified teachers to experiment with a new way of informal learning.

Read more and related pages:

video contest on volunteering - AUSTRIA - Let's do our part! 

video contest on volunteering - ROMANIA - Scopul Voluntariatului

video contest on volunteering - UNITED KINGDOM - Volunteer

video contest on volunteering - SLOVENIA - Unique!

video contest on volunteering - SLOVENIA - Moj film 2

video contest on volunteering - SLOVENIA - Moj film 2

video contest on volunteering - SLOVENIA - Clean!

video contest on volunteering - SLOVENIA - All different!

video contest on volunteering - GERMANY - Active Citizenship

video contest on volunteering - ITALY - Volontariato

video contest on volunteering - ITALY - Volunteering is

video contest on volunteering - SLOVAKIA - Volunteering

video contest on volunteering - SLOVAKIA - Let's make the world better!

video contest on volunteering - ROMANIA - Volunteering as a vocation

VIDEO CONTEST Future active citizens: volunteering as an excercise of democracy

video contest on volunteering - AUSTRIA - Together we are not in fear

video contest on volunteering - UNITED KINGDOM - Never Forget The Vista of Years

video contest on volunteering - AUSTRIA - Make The Difference

video contest on volunteering - AUSTRIA - Volunteer fire fighters

video contest on volunteering - ROMANIA - I see! I Understand! I care! I do!

video contest on volunteering - ROMANIA - Volunteering at both

video contest on volunteering - ROMANIA - The dramatic Reality

video contest on volunteering - ROMANIA - Echipa_Dodytza

video contest on volunteering - ROMANIA - Save the dream!

video contest on volunteering - ROMANIA - Volunteering


Co-funded by Europe for Citizens Programme

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