

We may be living in a post-pandemic world but four years on, there are still many challenges for us to overcome. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, existing problems within the healthcare system such as job strain, skill shortages and medical desertification have grown ever more prevalent.

Supporting health workforce to strengthen patients’ rights in the EU”. With this message, the #CareforAll 2024 campaign was launched online, featuring representatives of 13 associations from 10 countries as testimonials.

Promoted by Active Citizenship Network, the campaign urges the EU Institutions to take decisive action in support of the health workforce, thus safeguarding the health and well-being of all EU citizens, and empowering healthcare professionals for everyone’s protection.

Join us in our call for the new EU Institutions to address the health workforce crisis by supporting the knowledge acquisition and upskilling of healthcare professionals to better protect the rights of patients across Europe.

Watch the collective video message.

The representative of the Irish Patients Association Stephen

The representative of the Irish Patients Association reminds us that 15 million people work in the healthcare sector, representing over 7% of the EU workforce and almost 4% of the EU population. Watch the video-message from ACN’s Irish partner.

message from ALCER Manuel

Here is the message from ALCER - Federación Nacional de Asociaciones para la lucha contra las enfermedades del riñón, the Spanish partner of ACN

message from the Croatian Association for the Promotion of Patients Rights Jasna

Here is the message from the Croatian Association for the Promotion of Patients' Rights, the Croatian partner of ACN

representative of the Bulgarian Association for Patients Defence BAPD Reneta

The representative of the Bulgarian Association for Patients' Defence (BAPD) underlines that doctors, nurses and all health workers must have legal working conditions and safe staffing levels. Watch the video-message of ACN’s Bulgarian partner.

representative of the Cittadinanzattiva Active Citizenship Network Bianca

A representative of Cittadinanzattiva - Active Citizenship Network points out that the pandemic has exacerbated existing problems, such as job strain, skills shortages and medical desertification, raising new challenges for future health threats. Watch the video-message.

message from the Kultlab Celje Society the Slovenian partner of ACN Alen

Here is the message from the Kultlab Celje Society, the Slovenian partner of ACN

The EPECS representative Marleen

The EPECS representative denounces that the crisis health workers are going through undermines the goal of making national health services more resilient. Watch the video-message of ACN's Dutch partner.

The Malta Health Network representative Gertrude

The representative of the Malta Health Network reminds the Institutions that the health conditions of European citizens and the working conditions of health workers deserve proper attention. Watch the video-message of ACN's Maltese partner.

Institute for Patients Rights and Health Education IPPEZ representative Marta Polonia

Through the representative of the Institute for Patients' Rights and Health Education (IPPEZ) we call on EU institutions and Member States to update university curricula to include relevant training in immunisation and communication skills. Watch the video-message from the ACN’s Polish partner.

message from Cittadinanzattiva Active Citizenship Network Daniela

Here is another message from Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network

message from the Cyprus Federation of Patients Associations CyFPA Andreas

Here is the message from the Cyprus Federation of Patients’ Associations (CyFPA), ACN's Cypriot partner

The #CareforAll 2024 campaign is part of the European project "Empowering & mobilizing PAGs on COVID-19", realized thanks to the unconditional support of 


The EU European project "Empowering & mobilizing PAGs on COVID-19" is in continuity with what was carried out in 2023 (A – B – C) and in line with our long-term commitment to the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic at the national & at the EU level.

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