Clippings, Interviews, Web & Press Articles
- HEALTHMANAGEMENT (Volume 16 - Issue 4, 13 Nov 2016): Patients' Rights Have No Borders
- CONSIGLIO NAZIONALE DEL NOTARIATO (11 Nov. 2016): "The Home as a Primary Asset and How to Buy It Safely." Notaries and consumer associations team up to inform the public
- THE LOCAL (18 Oct. 2016): 'Bring your own loo roll,' broke Italian school tells kids
- FIRSTonline (21 Sept. 2016): Maxi-adjustments and disputes, new Enel-consumer agreement
- VALUE IN HEALTH (September 2016): Societal Impact of Pain (SIP) 2016 - 8 Policy Recommendations: Time for Action
- CYPRUS ALLIANCE FOR RARE DISORDERS (1 Aug 2016): ΔελτίοΤύπου - «Η μείωση δαπανώνστα συστ. υγείας. Aυξάνοντας την... (GR)
- THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF ANAESTHETISTS (17 June 2016): EU Civic Prize on Chronic Pain - Collecting Good Practices
- HONCAB.EU (June 2016): HoNCAB network of Hospitals presented at the European Parliament
- NEW EUROPEANS (1 June 2016): 24 Years of EU Citizenship: What We Stand to Lose
- PHARMASTAR (27 May, 2016): Bruxelles, da esperti di 28 Paesi, 8 raccomandazioni ai leader europei per rivoluzionare la cura del dolore (IT)
- CORRIERE DELLA SERA (Published date: 23 May 2016): Diritto a non soffrire inutilmente, Italia all’avanguardia (ma resta ancora da fare per anziani e bambini) (IT)
- LINFA NEUROFIBROMATOSI ODV (16 May 2016): X ° Giornata Europea dei Diritti del Malato Bruxelles 4 maggio 2016 “10th European Patients’ rights day”
- VITA TRENTINA (4 May, 2016): 4 maggio, la Giornata europea dei diritti del malato (IT)
- AISMAC-ASSOCIAZIONE ITALIANA SIRINGOMIELIA E ARNOLD CHIARI (4 May, 2016): X Giornata Europea dei diritti del malato (IT)
- EU REPORTER (May 4, 2016): 'Patients’ rights have no borders'
- SANITÀ24-IL SOLE 24 ORE (3 May, 2016): X Giornata europea dei diritti del malato, Dal Tdm flashmob a Roma «Io rispetto il Patto» (IT)
- FORMEZ (May, 2016): Giornata europea dei diritti del malato: 2 eventi a Bruxelles (IT)
- FORMEZ (May, 2016): 3 Maggio 2016: Patients’ rights have no borders…as well as risks! (IT)
- QUOTIDIANO SANITÀ (29 April, 2016): 4 Maggio, X Giornata europea dei diritti del malato promossa da Cittadinanzattiva: in Italia più di 90 iniziative (IT)
- AGI (28 April, 2016): 4 Maggio, X Giornata europea dei diritti del malato: in Italia più di 90 iniziative (IT)
- CYPRUS TODAY (Published date: 23-24 April 2016): A pioneering voice on health
- EUROPACOLON (20 April, 2016): Patient's Rights Have no Borders
- INFOSALUS.COM (18 Apr. 2016): Los pacientes reivindican los derechos de los ciudadanos en la asistencia sanitaria transfronteriza (ES)
- Health First Europe (4 March 2016): Improving patients’ rights in the age of the Cross Border Healthcare Directive
- FIRSTonline (2 March 2016): Real estate leasing: here is the guide from the Treasury
- ANSA (23 Feb. 2016): 1 in 10 Italians relinquish medical care due to cost, waitComplaints over waiting lists all over country
- VITA (14 Jan. 2016). I consumatori italiani contro McDonald's (IT)
- EURACTIV (13 gen 2016): McDonalds’ most dedicated opponents find allies in Europe
- DW.COM (12 Jan. 2016): McDonald's faces EU grilling over competition complaint
- EU REPORTER (January 12, 2016): Italian consumers groups seek EU antitrust probe into McDonald's
- FIRSTonline (Jan. 12, 2016): McDonald's: consumers on the attack, complaint to the EU
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