- VACCINES TODAY (Published date: 27 December 2021): Europe’s ‘COVID Vaccination Day’: one year on, what can we learn?
- INSTITUTI PER ZHVILLIM DHE INISIATIVA QYTETARE (10 December 2021): Instituti per Zhvillim dhe Inisiativa Qytetare (IZHIQ) nënshkruan Marrëveshjen e Bashkëpunimit me Active Citizenship Network (ACN)
- EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH (Published date: 10 December 2021): Influenza vaccination at the time of Covid-19: From the Italian case history to the “EU Flu Day”
- VACCINES TODAY (Published date: 30 November 2021): What is the future of vaccination?
- SAFE STROKE (Published date: 16 November 2021): Active Citizenship Network launches an Impact of COVID-19 Survey
- JOURNAL OF ANESTHESIA & PAIN MEDICINE (Published date: 13 October 2021): Selecting Good Practices to Advance towards a European Network of Experts Fighting Against Chronic Pain
- YOUNG50 (30 Sept. 2021): Promoting civic information to better address the collateral damage of COVID-19 on cardiovascular disease
- euPrevent (30 Sept 2021): Project Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
- PROGRAMMA MATTONE INTERNAZIONALE SALUTE (September 23, 2021): Promoting civic information to better address the collateral damage of COVID-19 on cardiovascular disease across Europe
- ICMIF (September 21, 2021): The Unipolis Foundation supports the launch of the first sustainable mobility manifesto by Italian schools
- Quotidiano Sanità (9 September 2021): “Vaccines in the pharmacy? I don't find it scandalous. But now enough of the controversy, Speranza must raise the bar, we need a real reform of local health care ". Interview with the secretary of Cittadinanzattiva Antonio Gaudioso (IT language).
- VACCINE TODAY (September 6th, 2021): Can we protect routine immunisation in a time of covid-19?
- SUNTEXT REVIEW OF CASE REPORTS & IMAGES (Published date: 05 August 2021): The role of the pharmacies and their relationship with citizens during the Covid-19 emergency: The Italian Case History
- ADVANCES IN HEALTH AND BEHAVIOR - VOL 4 N° 1 (published Aug 4, 2021): Awarded innovative and educational good practices against chronic pain across Europe
- EPIDEMIOLOGY AND PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH (Published Date: Jul 30, 2021): Addressing non-Covid patients’ unmet needs to the Global Health Summit: Covid-19 lessons learned for more resilient Health Care Systems. Ten recommendations towards a European Health Union
- AGING CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH (28 July 2021): The role of collaborative, multistakeholder partnerships in reshaping the health management of patients with noncommunicable diseases during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
- ADVANCES IN HEALTH AND BEHAVIOR (Jul 29, 2021 – Vol 4 No 1 (2021)): Actions and re-actions of civic society and Patients Advocacy Groups across Europe during Covid-19 pandemic: Sharing good practices for more resilient Health Care Systems
- NATIONAL LIBRARY OF MEDICINE (June 30, 2021): Is administered competition suitable for dealing with a public health emergency? Lessons from the local healthcare system at the centre of early COVID-19 outbreak in Italy
- CENTRAL EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH (Published: June 30, 2021): Is administered competition suitable for dealing with a public health emergency? Lessons from the local healthcare system at the centre of early COVID-19 outbreak in Italy
- THE ECONOMIST INTELLIGENCE UNIT (28 June 2021): Country-level covid-19 pandemic response analysis and lessons learned
- FOCUS ON MEDICAL SCIENCES JOURNAL (29 June - Issue Vol. 7 No 1): ERNs Multi-Stakeholder Forum to Enhance Patients' Rights and to Enhance Cooperation on Cross-border Healthcare
- EU Health Policy Platform (17th June 2021): JOIN US! Patients' right to avoid pain: reducing the burden of COVID-19, promoting best practices across EU
- FIRSTonline (14 June 2021): Energy, consumers and seven companies sign innovative agreement
- HEALTH EUROPA (11th June 2021): European Civic Prize on Chronic Pain: Collecting Good Practices
HELP CONSUMATORI (21 May, 2021): Global Health Summit, Cittadinanzattiva lancia 10 proposte alle Istituzioni (IT)
SANITÀ INFORMAZIONE (6 May, 2021): XV Giornata europea dei diritti del malato: la resilienza dei sistemi sanitari passa per la trasparenza e la cooperazione a livello internazionale (IT)
IN SALUTE NEWS (6 May, 2021): XV Giornata europea dei diritti del malato: 10 raccomandazioni al Parlamento e alla Commissione Europea (IT)
HELP CONSUMATORI (6 May, 2021): Giornata dei diritti del malato, un manifesto per i pazienti non-Covid (IT)
TREVISO TODAY (4 May, 2021): XV Giornata europea dei diritti del malato il 5 e 6 maggio (IT)
- VITA (6th May 2021): Giornata europea dei diritti del malato: 10 raccomandazioni al Parlamento e alla Commissione UE (IT)
- Quotidiano Sanità (6th May 2021): Giornata europea diritti malato. Da rete europea di Cittadinanzattiva "dieci" raccomandazioni a Parlamento e Commissione UE (IT)
- Il Farmacista Online (6th May 2021): Giornata europea diritti malato. Da rete europea di Cittadinanzattiva "dieci" raccomandazioni a Parlamento e Commissione UE (IT)
- HEALTH EUROPA (6th May 2021): Supporting nurses on the frontline (for the download, click here)
- HEALTH EUROPA (6th May 2021): Tackling cancer care inefficiencies in Europe’s future (for the download, click here)
- HEALTH EUROPA (5th May 2021): Equal and accessible healthcare in the EU (for the download, click here)
- HEALTH EUROPA (5th May 2021): Patients’ Rights Day: recommendations towards a European Health Union
- HEALTH EUROPA (4th May 2021): Health at the heart of the conference on the future of Europe (for the download, click here)
- HEALTH EUROPA QUARTERLY Issue 17 (4th May 2021): special feature: European Patients’ Rights Day (pag. 308- 320) (for the download, click here)
- DIÁRIO DE COIMBRA (18 Apr. 2021): Fórum Europeu discute prevenção do cancro em tempo de pandemia (PT)
- ASSOCIAÇÃO EUROPEIA DE SAÚDE EDUCATIVA E PREVENTIVA EM EPIGENÉTICA (18 Apr 2021): 3º Fórum Anual Europeu de Saúde Preventiva e Epigenética (PT)
- SERVIÇO DE SAÚDE DA RAM (18 Apr 2021): Dia Europeu dos Direitos dos Doentes (PT)
- OBSERVADOR (18 Apr 2021): Direitos dos doentes oncológicos (PT)
- EUROPEAN PATIENTS FORUM (18 April 2021): European Patients’ Rights Day 2021
- GROUPE DE SANTÉ CLINIFUTUR (18 April 2021): European Day for your Health Rights
- HEALTH MANAGEMENT (18 April 2021): European Patients’ Rights Day 2021
- INSTITUTO NACIONAL PARA A REABILITAÇÃO (18 Apr 2021): Dia Europeu dos Direitos dos Doentes (PT)
- ESCOLA SUPERIOR DE SAÚDE DE SANTA MARIA (18 Apr 2021): Dia Europeu dos Direitos dos Doentes (PT)
- CORREIO DOS AÇORES (17 Apr 2021): Dia Europeu dos Direitos dos Doentes celebra -se amanhã assinalado com programa em Ponta Delgada (PT)
- AÇORIANO ORIENTAL (17 Apr. 2021): Mas Saúde – respeitando os Direitos dos Doentes (PT)
- SAPO-LIFESTYLE (16 Apr 2021): COVID-19: Fórum Europeu vai discutir a prevenção do cancro em tempo de pandemia (PT)
- NOTÍCIAS AO MINUTO (16 Apr 2021): Fórum Europeu vai discutir a prevenção do cancro em tempo de pandemia (PT)
- CANAL S+ (16 Apr 2021): Covid-19: Fórum Europeu vai discutir a prevenção do cancro em tempo de pandemia (PT)
- RADIO REGIONAL DO CENTRO (16 Apr 2021): Dia Europeu dos Direitos dos Doentes (PT)
- RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS (Vol 3 No 1 (2021)): Local public services and sustainable development goals: From a national perspective to a European joint action
- JOURNAL OF VACCINES RESEARCH & VACCINATION (Volume 7 • Issue 1 • 100017 - published on Apr 16, 2021): Enlarging access to vaccination in Italy according to the citizens and the pharmacists’ perspective
- “LATEST STUDIES ON IMMUNOLOGY” (eBook published on Apr. 2021): Chapter 1 "Vaccination: the pathway for a concrete citizens’ engagement"
- UNIVERSITÀ CATTOLICA DEL SACRO CUORE-ALTEMS (March 2021): Sustainability and Resilience in the Italian Health System
- CANALE ENERGIA (30 Mar 2021): Diventare più efficienti con il questionario di Nudge (IT)
- FAMILY MEDICINE AND MEDICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH (Vol.10 Iss.3 No:267 - published on 26-03-2021): Towards A European Health Union: The Key Role of the Civil Society and Patients Advocacy Groups for More Resilient Health Care Systems
- FAMILY MEDICINE AND MEDICAL SCIENCE RESEARCH (Vol.10 Iss.3 No:262 - published on 16-03-2021): A Civic Audit to Monitor Oncological Facilities across Italy: an Advocacy Tool in Line with the New Ambitious EU4Health Programme
- INNOVATION NEWS NETWORK (15th March 2021): EU citizens and institutions and the Sustainable Development Goals
- JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH AND HEALTH SCIENCES (JMRHS) (Volume 04 Issue 03 March 2021): Europe’s beating cancer plan & citizens’ engagement – The Manifesto for the right to personalized medicine for cancer patients
- RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL ECONOMICS (Vol 3 No 1 (2021)): SDGs and the engagement of EU citizens: The role of behavioral science in the energy transition
- THE INNOVATION PLATFORM (pag.208-209) (2 Mar 2021): Citizen engagement and consumer policy - towards the SDGs
- THE INNOVATION PLATFORM (pag.210-213) (2 Mar 2021): Policy and people - two keys to a sustainable future
- THE INNOVATION PLATFORM (pag.214-217) (2 Mar 2021): The citizens at the heart of Europe
- THE INNOVATION PLATFORM (pag.218-221) (2 Mar 2021): Citizens and institutions - the path to Europe’s future
- THE INNOVATION PLATFORM (pag.168-170) (2 Mar 2021): Fighting the AMR paradoxes in the age of COVID-19
- THE INNOVATION PLATFORM (2 Mar 2021): The Innovation Platform Issue 5
- THE INNOVATION PLATFORM (01 Apr 2021): NUDGE project releases new survey on energy consumption and consumer behaviour (EN)
- CONSUMER (Apr. 2020): Derechos para nuestra salud (ES)
- LA NOTIZIA (28 Feb, 2021): Politiche ambientali europee. Un fronte comune per condividerle. Nasce un Gruppo con dentro società civile e istituzioni. A sostenerlo anche quattro eurodeputati italiani (IT)
- LA NOTIZIA (28 Feb, 2021): Politiche ambientali europee. Un fronte comune per condividerle. Nasce un Gruppo con dentro società civile e istituzioni. A sostenerlo anche quattro eurodeputati italiani (IT)
- CLINICAL CASE REPORTS JOURNAL (24 Feb 2021):The Relevance of the European Charter of Patients’ Rights as a Tool for Advocacy in the Framework of the Covid-19 Pandemic
- ENEL RADIO (23 Feb 2021): Valore condiviso (IT)
- ANSA (17 Feb 2021): Per un’Europa sostenibile serve maggior protagonismo dei cittadini (IT)
- ALLEANZA ITALIANA PER LO SVILUPPO SOSTENIBILE (17 Feb 2021): Solo attraverso un maggior protagonismo dei cittadini si avrà un’Europa più sostenibile (IT)
- CONSUMERS’ FORUM (16 Feb 2021): Come rendere la sostenibilià una scelta semplice per icittadinieuropei (IT)
- UNIPOLIS (16 Feb 2021): Come rendere la sostenibilià una scelta semplice per ic ittadini europei (IT)
- CIRCULARITY (16 Feb 2021): Making sustainability an easy choice for EU citizens
- IMPRONTA ETICA (16 Feb 2021): 16/02 Making sustainability an easy choice for EU citizens (IT)
- JANUA FORUM (15 Feb 2021): Domani alle 10.00 segui l’evento di Cittadinanzattiva, Ecu e ASviS sul contributo dei cittadini alla sostenibilità (IT)
- EUROPEAN CONSUMERS UNION (15 Feb 2021): Comunicato stampa Cittadinanzattiva - ECU- Asvis (IT)
- VITA (15 Feb 2021): Sviluppo Sostenibile: nasce il Gruppo Inter-Instituzionale fra organizzazioni civiche ed eurodeputati (IT)
- HELP CONSUMATORI (15 Feb 2021): Sviluppo sostenibile, nasce il Gruppo Inter-Instituzionale (IT)
- REDATTORE SOCIALE (15 Feb 2021): Sviluppo Sostenibile, nasce il Gruppo inter-instituzionale con Cittadinanzattiva (IT)
- ANSA (15 Feb 2021): Svilupposo stenibile: intergruppo società civile-politici UE (IT)
- ECO IN CITTÀ (15 Feb 2021): Il 16 febbraio segue l’evento Cittadinanzattiva, Ecu, ASvi Ssusostenibilità e ruolo dei cittadini (IT)
- ALLEANZA ITALIANA PER LO SVILUPPO SOSTENIBILE(11 Feb 2021): Come rendere la sostenibilità una scelta semplice per icittadinieuropei (IT)
- FIRSTonline (9 Feb. 2021): Tim focuses on the conscious use of the network and social media
- CANALE ENERGIA (04 Feb 2021): La scienza comportamentale per aiutare i cittadini a fare più efficienza energetica (IT).
- EL 19 DIGITAL (28 Jan. 2021): Bélgica participamos en Seminario sobre Prevención y Vacunas en la era Covid-19 (ES)
- CANALE ENERGIA (25 Jan, 2021): Nudge, ovvero la scienza comportamentale a servizio dell’efficienza energetica (IT)
- JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH (Jan 19, 2021): Digital health tools for the management of non-communicable diseases during and after the Covid-19 pandemic: perspectives of patients and caregivers
- TENDENZE NUOVE (N. 4 – 2021): Digital health, Scientific Societies and Associations of Patients & Family Members