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Cittadinanzattiva, through its EU branch Active Citizenship Network (ACN), is glad to invite you to the national event “Health needs in inner areas, between medical desertification and NRRP”, which will be held in Rome at the European Commission Representation in Italy - via Quattro Novembre 149 - on January 19th, 2023 from 10:00 to 13:00 CET. The initiative is part of the EU project “Action for Health and Equity: Addressing medical Deserts” (AHEAD), which aims to reduce health inequalities by addressing the challenge of medical deserts and medical desertification in Europe. “A medical desert is the end point of a complex process called ‘medical desertification’, that implies continuous and increasing inability of a given population to access health services in a timely and contextually relevant manner” as defined through the AHEAD project activities.

The event intends to investigate the health needs in the inner areas of the country starting from the limited access to care, which is also caused by medical desertification, and how the resources provided by the National Recovery and Resilience Plan can represent an encouraging response to the needs of local communities. It will start from the instances collected in the two Italian territories in which the AHEAD project has conducted pilot initiatives: Campania and Sicily, to broaden the discussion to a national level. The event will be held exclusively in Italian.
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