The Italian Presidency of the G7 provides an important opportunity for renewed political commitments to tackling AMR. At the start of a promising year for global progress on antimicrobial resistance (AMR), the Wellcome Trust and CARB-X organized a high-level lunch roundtable with the distinguished presence of the Italian Minister of Health, Orazio Schillaci. The luncheon took place on 10 January 2024 from 12:30 to 14:30 in Rome, at the Terrazza Borromini, Via di Santa Maria dell'Anima 30, next to Piazza Navona.
The Responsible of the EU Affairs of Cittadinanzattiva and Director of Active Citizenship Network was officially invited and involved in the discussion.
The roundtable aimed to bring together experts and decision-makers to discuss the opportunity of the 2024 G7 Presidency to advance awareness, action and accountability on AMR. It was confirmed that Italy will lead the G7 presidency in 2024 with a mission to fight antimicrobial resistance (AMR), aiming to preserve life-saving meds.
With the Italian government's commitment to make AMR a focus of its presidency and the 2024 UN High-Level Meeting on AMR on the horizon, we have a unique opportunity to make meaningful progress.
To know more, download the agenda, background info and the list of participants.
To listen an interview on the topic, click here.