Personalized medicine holds great promise to tailor health care to individual needs, while taking account of genes, lifestyle and the environment. To reach that goal researchers need to collect information on genes and health of many people to better understand disease mechanisms. In the ExACT project funded by the European Commission a survey has been prepared to ask citizens about their views on the development of personalized medicine. What do citizens know about this innovation in health care, what are their views on data sharing and what are their concerns with the various options to collect and share their data? The survey will become available in various EU countries, for which collaboration is sought with organizations from the Active citizenship Network
The survey will be launched at the EUPHA Public Health Week on May 20 during a webinar with speakers from, among others, the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Rome and the University Medical Centre in Amsterdam. Click here to join the webinar via Zoom (Meeting ID: 815 2450 7949). For more information, please contact: