

In line with its long-standing commitment at the national and European level on energy issues, for the fifth year in a row Cittadinanzattiva has been formally invited by the European Commission to the annual edition of the Citizen's Energy Forum.

The European Commission is organizing - with the support of the Irish Commission for Regulation of Utilities - the 2021 edition of the Citizen’s Energy Forum as a “hybrid” event, on 08-09 of December 2021 at the NHow Brussels Bloom hotel in Brussels.

The Forum was launched in 2008 as a dedicated platform to implement and enforce consumer rights in the energy market across the European Union. This year’s Forum will take place in the context of the Fit-For-55 Package, the upcoming Gas Decarbonisation Package, and recent price hikes. It will look at immediate and structural measures to protect vulnerable customers against price hikes, as well as consumer trends in an increasingly decarbonised, digitalised and integrated energy system. Key consumer issues including building consumer trust, engagement of energy poor and vulnerable households, protection of decarbonised heat and gas consumers, as well as digitalization will be at the heart of the discussions. Read more.

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