

Online training seminar in Italian language



Moderator: Maira Cardillo, Project Manager Cittadinanzattiva/Active Citizenship Network

16:30 –16:40 Introduction

Neda Milevska – Chair International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations (IAPO) and President IAPO Patients for Patient Safety Observatory (IAPO P4PSO)
Mariano Votta – Responsible for EU Affairs – Cittadinanzattiva / Director Active Citizenship Network

16:40– 17:25 General overview on AMR

Dr. Daniele CelottoSpecialist doctor in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine - European Network to Promote Infection Prevention for Patient Safety (EUNETIPS)

  • Why is AMR considered one of the major global health threats by WHO
  • The significance of infection prevention in the fight against AMR
  • AMR in Europe and the ‘One Health’ approach


17:25 –18:10 The role of healthcare professionals and citizens in the fight against AMR

Dr. Stefano Celotto General Practitioner with Specialized Training

  • The doctor-patient relationship for a proper use of antibiotics
  • AMR & vaccination policies
  • The new National Plan against AMR being developed in Italy (Piano Nazionale di Contrasto all’Antimicrobico Resistenza (PNCAR))


18:10 – 18:30 The commitment of Cittadinanzattiva in Italy to fight Antimicrobial Resistance

Valeria Fava – Responsible of Health Policies Coordination at Cittadinanzattiva

Closing remarks

*All the documents ready for download are in Italian language.

Read the minutes about the event here

Our speakers

Daniele Celotto

Daniele Celotto graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 2014 at the University of Udine. Between 2015 and 2019, he attended the Accreditation, Clinical Risk Management and Health Performance Evaluation Facility of the Presidio Santa Maria della Misericordia in Udine as a Specializing Doctor. He specialized with honors in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine at the University of Udine in November 2019. From December 2019 to March 2020, he worked as Medical Executive at the Presidio Cattinara-Maggiore Medical Directorate in Trieste; since April 2020 he has been Medical Executive at the Presidio Santa Maria della Misericordia Medical Directorate in Udine. He has taught training courses for physicians and healthcare professionals on patient safety and clinical risk management in acute and chronic care settings. He is a board member of the European Network to Promote Infection Prevention for Patient Safety (EUNETIPS), where he participates and promotes studies on infection prevention and control.

Stefano Celotto

Stefano Celotto graduated in Medicine in 2012, completed the residency in Family Medicine in 2016 and a second level course on research in Family Medicine and Primary Care in 2019. Currently, he is a General Practitioner in Udine, Italy. Currently, he is Teacher and member of the Didactic Council for Family Medicine Residency School in Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy). Author of several indexed articles, especially in the field of meta-research, his interests are in the field of medical education, disease and overmedicalization prevention, management of Primary Health Care.

valeria fava

Valeria Fava has a degree in psychology. Since 2006 she began to work for Cittadinanzattiva with the role of advisor for “PiT salute”, an information and protection service aimed at citizens. Since 2010 she has been responsible health area for Cittadinanzattiva's Backoffice, a service supporting health policy development for the territorial offices of the Tribunal for Patients' Rights. Since 2016 she has been in charge of the Civic Observatory on federalism in health care. Since March 2020, she has been Responsible of Health Policies Coordination at Cittadinanzattiva. She is currently a member of the Observatory for the monitoring of oncology networks and of the table updating the Guidelines for the national monitoring of waiting times for outpatient services provided in free professional intramurary activity at Agenas and a member of the Technical Table for planning in oncology at the Ministry of Health.

The event was realized in the framework of the EU project “AMR Patient Alliance – developing educational repository for patient and caregiver awareness of drug resistant infections” (ENIT) promoted by



IAPO logologo acnALCER


The project has been realized thanks to the unconditional support of Pfizer


To know more about the commitment of Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network on the topic of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), please click here.

To know more please contact the Project Manager Maira Cardillo at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(Updated: July 2022)

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