

logo eu pain patient pathways

The Patients'Forum organized by Active Citizenship Network and Pain Alliance Europe last 22-23 October, 2013 it was the occasion to develop concrete proposals for the improvement of pain management in Europe: recommendations against pain, according to the patients point of view, for a good Health policy on chronic pain relief. With the Patients' Forum it started the II step of the project "Pain patients' pathway recommendations". 

At the 2 days meeting took part more than 40 among leader of civic & patients organization, professionals, Ministries of Health, all involved in "game storming", plenary session and work in groups.
Documents related:

Project duration: October 2012-December 2014

For more information, please contact Mariano Votta: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Other information:
The Engagement of Cittadinanzattiva in the Fight against Useless Pain

In collaboration with:

pain alliance europe

The project will be financially supported by:


The political framework of the project is designed by Pain Alliance Europe representing chronic pain patients in Europe. Active Citizenship Network is responsible for the scientific design and contents. The pharmaceutical company Grünenthal GmbH is responsible for financial and non-financial support.

(written in November 2013)

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