

Parents who roll up their sleeves to clean up the school, and others who are opposed to closure of the "unsafe" school for the inconvenience that creates. School leaders that oversee the safety of buildings assigned to them with the help of all, and others that prevent access in schools to organizations or committees, considering private property. Auditors who fail to intervene even compared to emergencies, others acting with the limited resources available, endeavoring as they can. Teachers also available to administer medicines, teachers refractory to any change and innovation. School buildings in large cities that fall apart, cutting-edge buildings in small towns of the South

These are some of the contradictions that the XI Report "Safety, quality and accessibility in school" of Cittadinanzattiva showing that if it is a growing awareness of the seriousness of school how to counter it they are totally uneven and disorganized.

Two other aspects of the report: the first concerns the complaint of the absence of the Registry school construction, an essential tool for officially know the status of each school in order to identify the most urgent interventions, to quantify the necessary appropriations, to avoid wastage. In a word, for a long term planning. We have said it for years without ever having answers or, more importantly, with clear and detailed data.

The second aspect concerns the voluntary contributions by households and other private entities: for the conduct of educational activities, to compensate for the lack of hygienic materials, etc.. 390 million Euros are nicely donate to the Italian school! If compared to the amount set aside by the Government for school construction over the next three years in Italy (euro 450 million), the data speaks for itself. The debate is important and deserves to be developed at all levels.

Adriana Bizzarri, National Coordinator of School Cittadinanzattiva

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