During 2017, the European Institutions, regulatory authorities, companies and the constituency of the energy sector has recognised Cittadinanzattiva Onlus as a main stakeholder in the field of energy at EU level.
This is the result of our hard work and multi annual engagement at national and EU level in a series of relevant initiatives on the topic carried out by the EU branch of Cittadinanzattiva, Active Citizenship Network.
These include, for instance, the success of the closing event at the European Parliament of the three-year EU project "Citizenergy", the appointment of our Responsible for the Energy Sector in the expert group on energy led by the EU Commission, the participation for the first time at the Citizen Energy Forum in London, which is a major European event for civic organisations to debate with Institutions and relevant stakeholder the main issues related to energy policies. Last but not least, our active participation during the European Sustainable Energy Week 2017 on June was also crucial.
Of course, being recognised as a main stakeholder (also) at European level is both a source of pride and a challenge, but also a clear and distinctive sign, because Cittadinanzattiva Onlus is the only Italian consumer organisation with such a high achievement so far.
In particular, in the past few years, our commitment in the energy sector has been focused on establishing an effective framework of rules within the energy market, so that consumers are perfectly aware of their rights and live in a more innovative and transparent market.
At the moment, we are cooperating with the DG Consumer to provide insights for a study on pre-contractual information and billing in the energy market. The aim is to improve clarity and comparability, but also - in the energy transition - to increase the attention to vulnerable groups.
Mariano Votta, Director, Active Citizenship Network