The Director of Active Citizenship Network has been invited to provide a citizens & patients’ perspective on the topic of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) on occasion of the 7th AMR Conference 2023 in Basel promoted by BEAM Alliance last 15/17 March 2023. It was a truly vibrant and dynamic event, and with nearly 500 international participants this was so far the largest AMR Conference on record. You can find some pictures of the conference here on the website.
Incentivizing innovation is critical in order to stimulate antimicrobial research and development and this is one of the main requests from the private sector to the public Institutions. But at the same time, PAGs & civic society organization are asking since years to the private sector to invest in the patient empowerment and stakeholder engagement long term strategy, and to better testify your Corporate Social Responsibility. To download the ACN presentation, titled “How to advocate with policymakers on Antimicrobial Resistance”, click here. For the conference brochure, click here.
The 8th AMR Conference it will take place at the Congress Center Basel next 6 - 7 March 2024. To know more, click here.