

In the framework of the EU project “AMR Patient Alliance – developing educational repository for patient and caregiver awareness of drug resistant infections” promoted by IAPO P4PS Observatory and in which Cittadinanzattiva, through its European branch Active Citizenship Network (ACN), has become involved, together with IAPO and the Spanish association ALCER, Active Citizenship Network developed an Italian repository of documents on the issue of Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR).

The activity consisted of the research and selection of ad hoc training, informational, and educational materials on the topic of antimicrobial resistance at the local, regional and national context here in Italy. Our primary aim was a mapping of the literature that can be found in Italian language on the topic of AMR in order to identify and gather a whole range of materials that are reliable, useful and validated with official and verified sources and institutional sources in most cases. The final objective was the development of an online repository accessible to all, including patient organizations, patients, caregivers. As part of this, we also contributed in part to the repository realized in English language, providing for a series of documents considered adequate and significant for the wider EU panorama.

The repository was realized in line with the criteria of the project and following the advice of two healthcare professionals and indipend experts involved in the project (here their brief bio), a General Practitioner with Specialized Training, and a Specialist doctor in Hygiene and Preventive Medicine and member of the European Network to Promote Infection Prevention for Patient Safety (EUNETIPS), who contributed to a thorough and careful supervision of the contents.

This led us to favor institutional sources at the national level in most of the cases (Italian Health Ministry, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Italian Pharmaceutical Agency (AIFA), etc.), but also a few institutional sources at the regional and local level in Italy. Moreover, we have decided to add, also on the basis of the advice received by our experts, non-institutional documents and expert opinions coming from a specialized and accredited magazine in Italy which citizens frequently consult (Quotidiano Sanità).

To access the repository, please click here.

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