

Look at some examples of hundred initiatives all around Europe. The European Patients’ Rights Day has become a fixed appointment in to improve patients’ rights in Europe and in each Member State!
Please, if also you would like to add your event for the celebration of the European Patients’ Rights Day in your Country, write to Daniela Quaggia This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


At European level

Video messages and statements in support of the XVIII European Patients’ Rights Day

As with previous editions of the EPRD, also this year Active Citizenship Network would like to celebrate the European Patients' Rights Day with messages from all the stakeholders who, over the years, have supported our ongoing commitment towards citizens and patients.


Watch the video interviews realized by the journalist Mariam Zaidi on the occasion of the European Patients’ Rights Day 2024 focused on the key role of HCPs for a healthier Europe.
Indeed, 15 million people, 7% of the EU workforce, work in healthcare. Therefore, neglecting the health workforce crisis jeopardises current and future preventive and care options for citizens & patients. Here


Elena Moya, AEM - Asociación Española Contra la Meningitis (Spain), click here


Volunteers of FundacjaSTOMAlife, for better intimate health conditions (Poland): European Patients' Rights Day is not only a symbolic date but also a source of hope for everyone who has ever found themselves a patient. It is a day when every person can feel that they are not just the subject of medical procedures, but a partner in the treatment process. Every patient deserves to be informed about their treatment, to have the opportunity to make decisions and to be treated with respect. Because after all, it's about life - the most precious treasure we have". Click here


Message from Marko Korenjak, European Liver Patients'​ Association - ELPA (Belgium) here


Inés, Diario de una Mutante - AEAPAF (Spain) here


Associação de Doentes de Dor Crónica dos Açores (Portugal), here


Jasna Karacic-Zanetti, Head of Health Diplomacy Unit, International Council of the Patient Ombudsman, here





At European level

Video messages and statements in support of the XVII European Patients’ Rights Day

As already done at the occasion of the previous editions of EPRD in 2020-2021-2022, also this year Active Citizenship Network celebrated the European Patients' Rights Day with messages from its constituency and partners that, along the years, have supported the constant commitment in favor of the patients. Now more than ever, in this time of health and humanitarian crisis, the celebration of the European Patients’ Rights Day has been an opportunity to send a message of hope and commitment on protecting citizens' health and well-being. Listed below you can find video messages & statements received.

FH Europe
The European Times

At National Level

La Ligue des usagers des services de santé (Luss) and here and here
Vlaams patienten platform
Patient Empowerment
Universiteit Gent
RainbowHouse Brussels
Hôpital de JOLIMONT
Frank Vandenbroucke -Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health
Sint-Andries Hospital
Droits Quotidiens asbl
Healthcare Executive
az West
az Delta (video)

Toghether with you Association
The National Patient Organization


NSK European Documentation Centre

National Association of Patient Organizations



France Assos Santé and here
Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé (video)
Institut de Cancérologie de Lorraine
Hôpital Européen
Territorial Professional Community of Health Dracénie Provence Verdon
Chu Clermont-Ferrand
Fondation Œuvre de la Croix Saint-Simon
Ramsay Health-Lambert Clinic
Polyclinique de l'Ormeau
La Clinique Chirurgicale de Martigues
CHU de Limoges
Centre hospitalier Avranches-Granville and here
Hôpital du Gier
CHU de Saint-Etienne


Hellenic Patients' Union and here and here and here and here and here and here and here and video
Hellenic Cancer Federation-ELLOK and here and here
1° TOMY Trikala

Greek Patients’ Association & the new website

Cittadinanzattiva del Trentino Aps and here
Cittadinanzattiva Treviso
Tribunale del malato della Riviera del Brenta
Trentino Cultura

Cittadinanzattiva-Sardegna & ASL 5 Oristano

Cittadinanzattiva Sardegna


Office of Public Health of Šakiai District Municipality


Hôpitaux Robert Schuman
Fédération des Hôpitaux Luxembourgeois (FHL)
CHNP - Centre Hospitalier Neuro-Psychiatrique
Mutualité Chrétienne

Fundacja STOMAlife
Association of Patients for Home Ventilation "ONE BREAK!
Siedlce Association for Helping People with Alzheimer's Disease
Ministry of Health
Urząd Marszałkowski Województwa Kujawsko-Pomorskiego
Puls Medycyny
City Hall of Warsaw
Beskidzki Medical and Rehabilitation Complex Long-Term Care Hospital
Independent Public Health Care Center in Bielsk Podlaski
Minds Of Hope
Dr Szycht chirurgia plastyczna
Legionowo District
Gmina Poraj
Tygodnik przeglad


Português Conferência Dia Europeu dos Direitos dos Doentes

Also this year, on 18 April 2023, the “Associação Europeia de Saúde Educativa e Preventiva em Epigenética”, Portuguese partner of Active Citizenship Network, organized the national celebration of the European Patients’ Rights Day. For the occasion, the event, titled “Oral health and gastrointestinal diseases in Europe: how to prevent?”, has been realized with the participation of the Portuguese Society of Health Literacy within the Coimbra Business School-ISCAC. Active Citizenship Network joined the panel to talk about the topic in the context of Antimicrobial Resistance, and more in general to emphasize the value of this celebration from a citizen and patients’ perspective. To know more about the presentation of the ACN’ Director, click here (EN language). To know more, click here, for the recording of the event, click here (PT language).

Instituto Português de Oncologia de Lisboa
SUCH – Serviço de Utilização Comum dos Hospitais
Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna (SPMI)
Associação Protectora dos Diabéticos de Portugal
Escola Superior de Saúde de Santa Maria
Ordem Farmaceuticos
Executive digest



Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights (AOPP)
Slovenské národné stredisko pre ľudské práva


Spanish Patients’ Forum (FEP) and here
Federación de Asociaciones de Implantados Cocleares de España, Federación AICE
Coordinadora de Usuarios de la Sanidad, Salud, Consum y Alimentación
Somos pacientes
Sociedad Española de Directivos de la Salud (SEDISA)
Sistema Sanitario Público de Andalucía
Escuela de Salud y Cuidados de Castilla-La Mancha
Cosas de Sanidad (video)
Asociación de #Lupus de Madrid
Colegio Enfermería de Sevilla
Elmedico interactivo
VÉLEZ & LOZANO Dental Clinic
Fundación Grünenthal España

Extra eu
France Assos Santé Guyane

PATIENT VOICE PARTNERS (May 8, 2023): European Patients’ Rights Day

European Patients Rights Day


At European level

As already done at the occasion of the previous editions of EPRD in 2020 & 2021, also in 2022 Active Citizenship Network celebrated the European Patients' Rights Day with messages from some of the ACN’s partners that, along the years, have supported the constant commitment in favor of the patients.
Now more than ever, in times of health and humanitarian crisis, the celebration of the European Patients’ Rights Day has been an opportunity to send a message of hope and commitment on protecting citizens' health and well-being.
Listed below you can find the video messages received.


International Council of The Patient Ombudsman

European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure (EPTRI)

At National Level



East Limburg Hospital

AZ Sint Maarten

Zorgnet-Icuro vzw - umbrella organization of the Flemish general hospitals

Patient Empowerment


Pro News Dobrich




Croatian Association for the Promotion of Patients' Rights and here

Association for the Protection and Promotion of Patients' Rights "Paziente di Zara"

Institute of Public Health 

Performances in Sarajevo in Banja Luka and here and here


Universal Patient Rights Association


Federation of Patients' Associations of Cyprus and here

2022ELENCO dany html df05eefdeaf6cd31


Assos-sante + all organised events HERE

Hospices Civils de Lyon

Hôpital Européen

HAD Saint-Sauveur

Les hôpitaux d’Avranches, Granville, Saint-James, Mortain et Saint-Hilaire-du-Harcouët


Unité Jolimont asbl

Centre Hospitalier Alpes-Isère

les Cliniques Mutualistes du Médoc et de Pessac


Toute la veille acteurs sante


2022ELENCO dany html 45449e5ac4650e80

Patients' Association of Greece

President of the Republic Katerina Sakellaropoulou Message
2022ELENCO dany html d08aaed1bec977e1

Panhellenic Federation of People with Multiple Sclerosis

News for Health

Directorate of Public Health and Social Welfare of the Peloponnese Region


Hellenic Anti-Rheumatism Society (EL. E. AN. A.)

Cancer Guidance Center (K3)


Arcadian Radio Television


Cittadinanzattiva Emilia-Romagna


Malta Health Network


Sint Trudo Hospital



The Institute of Patient Rights and Health Education


Ombudsman for Patients' Rights and the University Clinical Center in Gdańsk

SP ZOZ MSWiA - Stettino

Faculty of Law and Administration of UMCS

Poraj commune


18 April 2022: 16th European Patients’ Rights Day & national celebration in Portugal
The European Association for Educational and Preventive Health in Epigenetics (AESEP), an official partner of Active Citizenship Network, and a supporter of the European Parliament Interest Group on Patients' Rights and Cross-border Healthcare, promoted the celebration of the XVI European Patients' Rights Day at the national level in Portugal, together with the Chronic Pain Association of the Azores, also an official ACN partner. For the occasion, the Director of Active Citizenship Network has been invited in the panel. The national celebration of the 2022 European Patients’ Rights Day took place on the 18th of April in a virtual format. Each year the theme is adapted to the emerging needs of the public health scenario of the country. This year, AESEP focused on “Women's Health - The Future of Health in Europe - Innovating in Prevention and Well-Being”. The program covered ten different themes, where women's health must be considered, respected, and protected. To know more, click here

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19 April 2022: 16th European Patients’ Rights Day & local celebration in Azores Islands
Active Citizenship Network’s Portuguese historical partner Associação de Doentes de Dor Crónica dos Açores (Chronic Pain Association of the Azores) celebrated the European Patients’ Rights Day 2022 at the local level in the Azores Islands. The theme chosen was "Mental Health as Prevention of Suffering in Chronic Diseases: strategies and testimonies" and, for the occasion, invited the Patients Association Força 3P from Oporto to the online webinar, which took place on the 19th of April and  at 18:00 AZOT.

2022ELENCO dany html 7058b535592ff6f7

Associação Europeia de Saúde Educativa e Preventiva em Epigenética Aesep and here


Conselho de Enfermagem Regional

Instituto Nacional de Emergência Médica (INEM)

Escola Superior de Saúde de Santa Maria

Hospital de Santo Espírito da Ilha Terceira, EPER

Irmãs Hospitaleiras

Unidade de Hospitalização Domiciliária do Centro Hospitalar Gaia/Espinho


ARS Alentejo



2022ELENCO dany html d5e3e3682eb2302d


Healthy Living: Reducing the Burden of Noncommunicable Diseases project


NO Cancer Alliance

Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights of the Slovak Republic - AOPP


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Foro Espanol de Pacientes

Official College of Psychology of Castilla-La Mancha




Democratic Union of Pensioners and Retirees of Spain- UDP

Istituto Espanol de Formadores en Salud

Patient Platform (POP) and here

Alt Penedès-Garraf Health Consortium



19-21 April 2022: 16th European Patients’ Rights Day & national celebration in Sweden
The Swedish patients’ association FOKUS Patient, which is an official partner of Active Citizenship Network, organized three digital seminars from 19 to 21 April at lunchtime, from 12:00 to 13:00 CEST, dedicated to the right to information and the right to consent, which are Articles 3 and 4 of the European Charter of Patient’s Rights, drafted by Active Citizenship Network in 2002. The aim of the seminars was to address the relationship between access to information and patients’ rights in a Swedish context. To know more on the seminars, please click here (SE language).

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Association for Patients 'Rights in Kosovo (PRAK)


At European Level

Video messages and statements in support of the XV European Patients’ Rights Day
In the age of COVID-19, the European Patients’ Rights Day (EPRD) on the 18th of April 2021 represented an opportunity to send messages of hope and commitment, from different healthcare stakeholders partners of ACN, on the protection of the health of European citizens. Listed below you can find the video messages received.

Integrazione della pagina International National celebrations for the European Patients Rights Day html 3cd6534d67984f4f
MEP Piernicola Pedicini (Italy), Greens/EFA

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MEP Tomislav Sokol (Croatia), EPP

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Shaantanu Donde
Head – Portfolio Management (Developed Markets & JANZ), Medical Affairs - Viatris

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Maria Teresa Flor de Lima
Founder - Associação de Doentes de Dor Crónica dos Açores (ADDCA)

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Ilaria Giannico
Secretary General - European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP)

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Jo Maes
Chairman - European Patients Empowerment for Customised Solutions (EPECS)

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Anna Lisa Mandorino
Secretary General - Cittadinanzattiva

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Jordi Moya Riera
President - Sine Dolore European Pain Foundation (Spain)

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Arlinda Shehu
Program Manager - Organisation "Together for Life" (Albania)

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This is the video made by our Italian activists from the Tribunal for Patients’ Rights on the European Charter of Patients’ Rights, promoted by Cittadinanzattiva in 2012, for a European Union built on common citizens' rights.

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Maria Teresa Flor de Lima
Founder and President – European Association for Educational and Preventive Health in Epigenetics (AESEP)

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Casa de Saúde Rainha Santa Isabel - CSRSI

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European Patients Forum Read more
All.Can International Read more
IAPO-International Alliance of Patients’ Organizations. Read more
Health Management. Read more
World Federation of Incontinence and Pelvic Problems. Read more

At National level

Droits Quotidiens Read more

BULGARIA Read more (BG)

International Council of The Patient Ombudsman © Read more (HR)
Teaching Institute for Public Health "Dr. Andrija Štampar " Read more (HR)
Association for Patients’Rights Zadarski Read more 1-2-3 (HR)
Ordinacija Read more (HR)
Ivan Domac School of Economics and Commerce Vinkovci Read more (HR)
Hrvatsky Radio Vukovar Read more (HR)
HRT Magazine Read more (HR)

Cyprus Times Read more
Universal Patients’Rights Association, Read more

France Assos Santé Read more 1-2-3-4 (FR)
AMADYS association de personnes atteintes de dystonie Read more (FR)
France Assos Santé Centre-Val de Loire Read more (FR)
France Assos Santé Normandie Read more (FR)
A gence régionale de santé de Normandie Read more (FR)
Cancer Contribution Read more (FR)
HAD Saint Sauveur Read more (FR)
Pharmacie Meysen Read more (FR)
Centre Hospitalier Regional Universitaire CHRU Read more (FR)
L’Union de syndicats de pharmaciens d’officine – USPO Read more (FR)
Le Centre Hospitalier D'Embrun Read more (FR)
La Veille des acteurs de la Santé Read more (FR)
Centre Henri-Becquerel Read more (FR)
La ligue contre le cancer – Gironde Read more (FR)
Groupe de Santé CLINIFUTUR  Read more (FR)

Hellenic Patients' Association Read more - 2 -
National Confederation of People with Disabilities Read more (GR)
Hellenic Anti-Rheumatic Luggle Association (EL.EANA) Read more
Lefkada Hospital Read more
The Panhellenic Federation of People with Multiple Sclerosis (POAMSKP) Read more
The Federation of Patients 'Associations (OSAK) Read more - 2

Cittadinanzattiva Video on the European Charter of Patients’ Rights
Cittadinanzattiva Umbria Read more (IT)

Jurbarkas District Municipality Public Health Bureau, Read more
Femmes pour toujours, Read more
The European Institute of Health and Sustainable Development. Read more

Malta Health Network (MHN) Read more (EN) 123

The Institute of Patient Rights and Health Education, Read more (PL)
Hematoonkologia, Read more (PL)
Infowire, Read more (PL)

Portugal celebrates 15 years of the European Patients' Rights Day
The new Europe's Beating Cancer Plan, 2021-2024, has a primary objective where preventionis the greatest gain in health. According to Portuguese MEP Sara Cerdas, it is necessary to act on the known causes of cancer and in all the forms already determined by science as responsible for the development of the disease.The European Union aims to eradicate bad living habits and promote healthy and sustainable diets, as well as the adoption of other habits with a focus on environmental agents, which promote quality of life at all stages of the disease. This theme is the pillar of the celebration of the 15th anniversary of the European Patients 'Rights Day in Portugal, organized by AESEP (Associação Europeia de Saúde Educativa e Preventiva em Epigenética) and supported also by Active Citizenship Network. Read and listen the contribution of Mariano Votta, Director of ACN. Here you can find a selection of the press review’ portuguese initiative:

Núcleo de Estudos de Bioética da Sociedade Portuguesa de Medicina Interna, Read more (PT), 1
CESPU, Read more (PT)
Ordem enfermeiros Madeira, Read more (PT)
Serviço de Saúde da RAM, Read more (PT)
Sagrado Coração de Jesus recorded a video (PT)
Técnicos de Medicina Nuclear, de Radiologia e de Radioterapia, Read more (PT)

Association for the Protection of Patients' Rights of the Slovak Republic - AOPP, Read more (SK)
Commissioner Stavrovska's office, Read more (SK)

Alzheimer Slovenia, Read more (SI)

La Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes, Read more (ES)
Somos Pacientes, Read more (ES)
Salud Castilla y Leon, Read more (ES)
Observatorio Nacional de Enfermedades Raras Oculares (ONERO), Read more (ES)
Colegio Oficial de la Psicología de Castilla-La Mancha, Read more (ES)
Escuela de Salud Castilla la Mancha, Read more (ES)
Mejorconsalud, Read more (ES)
blogs.publico, Read more (ES)
Somosdisca,Read more (ES)
TelefarmaciaApp, Read more (ES)
Administración de Justicia en Euskadi, Read more (ES)
Federación Española de Enfermedades Neuromusculares (Federación ASEM), Read more (ES)
Clínica Activa Mutua, Read more (ES)
Enfermeria Malaga, Read more (ES)
Lacerca noticias, Read more (ES)

Extra EU

Republic of MOLDOVA
Primariaselemet, Read more (MD)
Ministerul Sănătății, Muncii și Protecției Sociale (MSMPS), Agenția Națională pentru Sănătate Publică (ANSP), Read more (MD)
Oficiul Avocatului Poporului-Ombudsman, Read more (MD)


In the age of COVID-19, the European Patients’Rights Day (EPRD) on the 18th of April 2020 represented an opportunity to send messages of hope and commitment, from the different healthcare stakeholders partners of ACN, on the protection of the health of the European citizens. Here below you can find the all the realized videos.

2020 image001
MEP Sara CERDAS (Portugal), S&D

2020 image002
MEP Miriam DALLI (Malta), S&D

2020 image003
Jasna Karačić
Permanent Representation of Croatia to the European Union (Croatia)

2020 image004
Nathalie Moll
Director General, European Federation of Pharmaceutical Industries and Associations (EFPIA)

2020 image005
Paul De Raeve
EFN’s Secretary General
European Federation of Nurses Associations

2020 image006
Eduardo Pisani
CEO, All.Can International

2020 image007
José Luis Baquero Úbeda
Director – Coordinator Cientifico
Foro Español de Pacientes (Spain)

2020 image008
Maria Teresa Flor de Lima
Coordinator of the Scientific Council of Chronic Pain Patients Association of Azores

2020 image009
Emete Imge
President of Universal Patient Rights Association (Cyprus)

2020 image010
Neil Betteridge
Strategic Adviser
European Alliance for Patient Access (EAfPA)

2020 image011
Claudia Tecglen
President of “Convives con Espasticidad” (Spain)

2020 image012
Ilaria Giannico
Secretary General, European Union of Private Hospitals (UEHP)

2020 image013
Paula Mouta
President of European Association of Educational and Preventive Health in Epigenetics (Portugal)

2020 image014
Elena Moya
Vice President of Asociación Española Contra la Meningitisn (Spain) and Regional Coordinator of Confederation of Meningitis Organizations (CoMO)

2020 image015
Stephen McMahon
Director, Irish Patients' Association (Ireland)

2020 image016
Arlinda Shehu
Together for Life (Albania)

2020 image017
Jordi Moya Riera
President of the Sine Dolore, European Pain Foundation (Spain)

2020 image018
Gerald Bachinger
Lower Austrian Patient and Nursing Advocate & speaker of the Austrian Patient advocates (Austria)


2020 image019
MEP Sabrina PIGNEDOLI (Italy), NA

2020 image020
Antonio Gaudioso
Secretary General Cittadinanzattiva (Italy)

2020 image021
Irene Schembri
National Patients' Organisation - Malta

2020 image022
Anke van Dam,
AFEW International

2020 image023
Mariano Votta
Active Citizenship Network

 Statement from MEPs Interest Group “European Patients' Rights and Cross-border Healthcare

2020 image024 2020 image025
2020 image026 2020 image027

Initatives at European Level  

HEALTH EUROPA (20 April 2020): European Patients’ Rights Day: nurses delivering direct patient care


Initatives at National level

LUSS Ligue des usagers des services de santé Read more  

HERA Read more (BG)
Blagoevgrad Read more (BG)

Trend TV Read more (HR)
Association for the Promotion and Protection of Patients' Rights' Zadar Patient ' Read more (HR) & Read more (HR)
Croatian Union of Nurses - Medical Technicians Read more (HR)

Conférence régionale de la santé et de l'autonomie des Hauts-de-France Read more (FR)
Psytoyens Asbl – Concertation Des Usagers En Santé Mentale Read more (FR)
Maison médicale Trooz Santé ASBL Read more (FR)
Village de la Justice  Read more (FR)
Centre Jean Perrin Read more (FR)

Vedem - Civilian for Vaccination 
2020 image028

Asociacija Ausvis   Read more (LT)

Fondazione Nutricia Read more (PL)
Rakoniewicki Read more (PL)

Entidade Regulaora de Saude Read more (PT)
DIARIO AS BEIRAS (16 Apr 2020): Covid-19: Fórum europeu debate pandemia, direitos dos doentes e saúde educativa (PT)
RADIOATLANTIDA (17 Apr 2020): Fórum Europeu de Saúde e Epigenética arranca sábado em formato online (PT)

Pharmaceutical World Read more (SR)

AOPP Read more (SK)
Liga Proti Rakovine (Lpr) Read more (SK)

Somos Pacientes Read more (ES)
SomosDisca  Read more (ES)
2020 image029
Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores, UE y Cooperación Read more (ES)
Autismo Galicia Read more (ES)
Junta De Castilla Y León - Consejería De Sanidad  Read more (ES)
Diainternacionalde  Read more (ES)
DEBRA  Read more (ES)

2020 image030

Plataforma de Afectados de Hepatitis C de Madrid (PLAfHC Madrid) Read more (ES)
La Rioja Read more (ES) and  Read more (ES)
Escuela del Salud y cuidados Read more (ES)
ILERNA on line Read more (ES)
A voces de carabanchel Read more (ES)
En familia AEP Read more (ES)
FEDOP Read more (ES)
Happylegs Read more (ES)
Texum Fisioterapia Read more (ES)
SAE Read more (ES)
Prevensystem Read more (ES)
20 MINUTOS Read more (ES)
Emerita Neuro Read more (ES)
Embajada de España en Chile Read more (ES)
GNdiario Read more (ES)
Junta de Andalucia Read more (ES)
Manifiesto Por Una Medicina Más Humana, Que Mira A Los Ojos Y Escucha Read more (ES)
IVI Global Education Read more (ES)
ConSalud (18 Apr. 2020): Sanidad y Europa: el difícil camino hacia un modelo sociosanitario europeo (ES)

EPECS-European Empowerment for Customised Solutions - Message of the Board: 

Dear Citizens, you and I are hit by a virus, spreading world wide on our tiny planet. It urges of all of us to play an active role. As citizens we run the risk to attract the virus and if vulnerable to become patients and eventually to die. On Patients' Rights Day 2020 especially we have a right as patients and citizens to ask of all governments, NGO’s and all companies all over the world to implement long term policies in which citizens as potential patients are much better protected. This includes implementing all over the world Corporate Social Responsibility and the SDG’s of the United Nations. The virus makes clear that viruses and bacteria are a very serious threat to mankind if we go on the way we did it up to now. It was a money making market in China where the virus this time jumped from animals to man. It are the rough mechanisms of the free market that makes us using large amounts of antibiotics in the meat industry worldwide, killing ourselves in the long run with resistant bacteria. We focus to much on Profit, forgetting the Planet and the People. Let's stop this insane behaviour of ours, ruining our Planet and the People!

On behalf of the Board of EPECS, Jo Maes, Chairman, 18th of April 2020

Extra EU

Fundación Argentina del Tórax Read more (ES)


Albanian Patients’ Rights Day 2019
Last 18 April, in occasion of the European Patients' Rights Day,  Mrs. Arlinda Shehu, Program Manager at Association "Together for Life", historic partner of Active Citizens Network, talked for TV SCAN about the respect of the patients' rights in Albania and the work done by "Together for Life" for the protection of such rights. Listen the interview in national language.

Arlinda Shehu, Program Manager at Association "Together for Life"

Albania: Respect for patient's rights, respect for life
The Albanian Charter of Patient’s Rights was approved by Order of the Minister of Health in December 2010. In the framework of the European Day of Patients 'Rights, "Together for Life", historic partner of Active Citizens Network, presented the Study on Patient Challenges with Hemophilia, and supported a media campaign to raise the voice of respecting patients' rights. To know more, click here (video in national language).

Bulgarian Patients’ Rights Day 2019
Bulgarian Association for Patients' Defense, partner of Active Citizenship Network, published in national languages communication material regarding the European Charter of Patients' Rights. To download the documents click here.

Cyprus Patients’ Rights Day 2019
The Minister of Health, on behalf of the President of the Republic, addressed the event organized by the Cyprus Federation of Patients’ and Friends’ Associations, on the occasion of the European Patients’ Rights Day, at the Presidential Palace. To know more, click here.

Irish Patients’ Rights Day 2019
In occasion of the Irish Patients’ Rights Day organized in Dublin last May 14th by the Irish Patient Organization, Antonio Gaudioso, Secretary General of Cittadinanzattiva, received a special award for his substantial work and commitment for Patients’ Rights.  Read the programme of the initiative and listen a radio-interview of Gaudioso.

Antonio Gaudioso together with Stephen A. McMahon, Co-founder and Director of the Irish Patients Association

Italian Patients’ Rights Day 2019
Over 50 initiatives throughout Italy promoted by Cittadinanzattiva-Tribunal for Patients' Rights on the subject of waiting lists. To know more, click here (IT language).

Azienda Usl Toscana centro. Read more
Vita (18 April, 2019): Giornata europea dei diritti del malato: oltre 50 iniziative in tutta Italia (IT)
CataniaMedica (24 April, 2019): Il 27 Aprile la Giornata europea dei diritti del malato (IT)
Ansa (18 Apr. 2019): Giornata europea diritti del malato, tema liste d'attesa (IT)


At European Level  
European Committee for Standardization (CEN) Read more 
European Federation of Nurses Associations  Read more

At National level

Cittadinanzattiva in more of 40 cities Read moreSanità informazione, Read more (IT)

La LUSS, la Ligue des usagers des services de santé Read more
Vlaamspatienten platform Read more
H. Hartziekenhuis Mol  Read more
Lokeren Market Read more
Christelijke Mutualiteit Read more

Kap Read more

Ombudsman Read more
Lex Medica Read more
Health Forum Read more  Read more
RHIF Read more
Center for Reproductive Health "Dr. Vasil Daskalov" – Plovdiv Read more

Prava pacijenata - ogranak Zadar Read more
Ljekarna Pharmacy Read more
Hrvatski Radio Read more
Ombudsman Read more
Coalition of Health Associations & Europa Donna Croazia Read more and Read more

Pancyfian Federation of Patient and Friends Associations (PPSFF) Read more 
Health Minister Read more

Diabetesliitto Read more
Helsinki e Uusimaa Hospital District (HUS) Read more
District Hilkka Manner Read more
Soite Read more

France Assos Santé Read more 
ASL Liga – Ligue SLA Read more 
Clinique Charcot Read more
Conférence Régionale de la Santé et de l'Autonomie des Hauts de France Read more 
La Maison des Usagers du CHPA-CHIAP Read more 
Agences régionales de santé du Nord-Pas-de-Calais et de la Picardie Read more 
Hôpitaux du Pays du Mont-Blanc Read more 
Hospices Civils de Lyon Read more 
Groupe Hospitalier Mutualiste Les Portes Du Sud Read more 
Centre Hospitalier Victor Jousselin de Dreux Read more 
Clinique Saint Antoine Read more 
Concours national « Droits des usagers de la santé » Read more

General Hospital of Imathia Read more
General Hospital "George Papanikolaou Read more
General Hospital Papageorgiou Read more
General Hospital of Tolemaide  Read more

State Center for Mental Health Read more

Malta Medicines Authority Read more
Malta Health Network & No Pain Foundation Read More

Ombudsman  Read more


Jornal Universitário Do Porto Read more (PT)
Ordem Dos Enfermeiros Centro Read more (PT)
Serviço Nacional de Saúde Read more
National School of Public Health della New University of Lisbon (ENSP-NOVA) Read more
Ordem Sao Francisco do Porto Read more
Alzheimer Portugal Read more

Hon  Medik  Read more

Plataforma de Pacientes Read more
Pediatria social Read more
AENOR Read more
Clinicas Vitaudio  Read more
Organizazion medica collegial de Espana Read more
Escuela de Salud y Cuidados de Castilla-La Mancha Read more
Sindicato de Enfermería (Satse) Read more
Asociación Pheipas Read more
INCIBE Read more
Hospitales San Roque Read more
Asociación Española de Portadores de Válvulas Cardíacas y Anticoagulados Read more
Federación Española de Cáncer de Mama (FECMA) Read more
EAM Hospital Read more
Federación Española de Diabetes (FEDE) Read more
Hospital Guadarrama Read more
Terapia Psicológica Read more

And much more….
Some of the clippings and articles about the conference:
Observatory of Adherence to Treatment from Spain Read more (ES)
Italia Oggi Read more
IAPO Read more
EHMA Read more
Juponline  Read more
Atlas dasaude Read more


At European Level 
The International Federation for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus. Read more
International Diabetes Federation Read more

In Italy
Cittadinanzattiva and its 108 events Read more

In France
Le Collectif Interassociatif Sur la Santé Read more
Clinique du Parc France Read more
Agence régionale de santé (ARS) Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur (Paca) Read more
Centre hospitalier du val d’Ariège) et le CHPO (Centre hospitalier du pays d’Olmes) Read more
Centre Hospitalier de Valence France Read more
Federation De L'Hospitalisation Privee (Fhp) Read more
Hôpital Européen Read more
Saint Thomas Read more
Polyclinique les Fleurs Read more.
Polyclinique des Alpes du Sud Read more
Centre Hospitalier du Haut Bugey Read more

In Belgium 
LUSS Read more  or
Le SPF Santé publique Read more
Droits Quotidiens Read more
Cliniques del Europe Read more
Jolimont Group Read more
Clinique Bénigne Joly Read more
Centre Hospitalier du Haut Bugey Read more
Chu Brugmann Read more
Christian Mutuality (CM) Read more

In Spain
La Plataforma de Organizaciones de Pacientes Read more
Federación Nacional de Enfermos y Trasplantados Hepáticos, Read more
Consejo General de Colegios de Fisioterapeutas de España Read more
Generación Elsevier Read more
Residencia Sierra de las nieves Read more
INNOMEDYX knowledge in action Read more
Europe Direct Region De Murcia Read more
LA NUEVA CRÓNICA (17 Apr 2017): Poco que celebrar en el Bierzo en el Día Europeo de los Derechos del Paciente (ES)

In Croatia.
Croatian Association for the Promotion of the Rights of Patients   Read more
KUZ-u Read more
Parents of young diabetics Read more

In Greece
Ιησώ Read more

In Slovakia
WHO Slovakia Read more

In Portugal
A news from the NHS Read more
Acoriano Oriental 20-05-2017
A Enfermagem e as Leis Read more (PT)

In Finland
Tietosuojavaltuutetun toimisto Read more

In Kosovo
Kosovapress Read more

In Bosnia-Erzegovina
Kliničkog centra Univerziteta u Sarajevu (KCUS) Read more

In Ukraina
Diabetes Federation Ukraina Read more


PyDeSalud, Read more (ES).

Infirmiers, Read more (FR).




ASL-Cagliari & Cittadinanzattiva (8 May, 2015): IX Giornata Europea dei Diritti del Malato. Ospedale aperto: un modo per migliorare l’accoglienza (IT)
IX Giornata Europea dei Diritti del Malato. Ospedale aperto un modo per migliorare laccoglienza copertina



CISS Rhône-Alpes, based in Lyon, decided to celebrate the European Day of Patients’ Rights in the region. Since the first edition in 2011, this event is constantly growing. For the 5th edition which took place on April the 9th, 2015, over 100 health facilities participated and more than 4500 people were sensitized. Hospitals, clinics, associations, volunteers, doctors and directors were mobilizing to make known the patient’s rights. The “European day of patient’s right” has become an emblematic day in the whole region. In 2015, the event also overcame the barriers of the region and took place in more than 7 other regions in France. Overall, this day-long event to raise awareness about the patients’ rights gathered together almost 200 hospitals and clinics, 500 volunteers and more than 8000 citizens who came to inquire about their rights. Download the press book



At the European level
European Public Health Alliance, Read more here.

ECDA-The European Chronic Disease Alliance (12 May, 2014): ECDA delivered a presentation at the 8th European Patients’ Rights Day in Brussels

In Portugal
JUSTNEWS (12-13 May 2014) Doentes com doenças crónicas estarão em foco no 8º Dia Europeu dos Direitos dos Doentes (PT)

European Patient Right Day: local initiatives in Italy
As every year, the European Patients 'Rights Day was celebrated by the local branches of the Tribunal for Patients' Rights in about 70 Italian cities. The European Charter of Patients' Rights has been distributed in different events (seminars, street meetings, open days of the local headquarters etc..). The Italian celebration has been realized also thanks to an unrestricted educational grant from Johnson & Johnson Medical. Download the press coverage



Trentino Cultura (18 April 2013): Giornata europea dei diritti del malato (IT)


Gozo News (15 May 2013):  10 benefits for EU patients – European Patients’ Rights Day

Malta Independent (12 Apr. 2013): European Patients’ Rights Day

At the international level

AMERICAN ACTIVIST AGENCY (March 13, 2013): European Patients’ Rights Day



Comune di Napoli (Published date: 18 April 2012): VI Giornata Europea dei diritti del malato

Azienda Ospedaliera Brotzu-Regione Sardegna (18 April 2012): VI Giornata Europea dei Diritti del Malato. Il Consenso informato e la Cartella clinica: due strumenti di tutela del cittadino

VI Giornata Europea dei Diritti del Malato Il Consenso informato e la Cartella clinica due strumenti di tutela del cittadino copertina




Times of Malta (18 April 2011): Malta ranks below EU average


At the European level

Health First Europe (13 April 2011): HFE attends 5th Annual Patients’ Rights Day: Putting citizens at the centre of EU policy


Extra eu

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (21 mar 2013): Promoting success in any language 




TECNICA DELLA SCUOLA (16 April, 2010): Giornata europea per i diritti del malato (IT)




Times of Malta (18 Apr 2008): European Patients’ Rights Day


And much more….

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