The EU project coordinates citizen debate and action in 11 EU member states, one candidate and one potential candidate countries on a set of issues focused on increased and better informed citizen participation in the democratic life of the EU and aims at strengthening the citizen base of deeper European integration. The project is funded by the European Union through the Europe for Citizens Programme and is implemented by a group of civic organizations.
JoiEU comprises of a series of transnational debates mobilizing citizen participation and the use of innovative communications and advocacy strategies and tools culminating in joint policy initiatives for greater citizen participation in the decision-making process in the EU.
JoiEU aims at:
- Developing stronger awareness of the values and opportunities of European citizenship and initiating joint citizen action in thirteen countries on reinforcing the rights of EU citizens;
- Providing opportunities for stronger civic participation in shaping the EU structural and Cohesion policy for the next planning period (2014-2020);
- Increasing opportunities for active citizen participation in the political life of the EU with an accent on the EP elections in 2014;
- Strengthening the impact of citizen participation in the EU decision-making process with an accent on participation in the economic governance in the aftermath of the Eurozone crisis.
- JoiEU is a transnational platform for debate involving but reaching beyond the existing institutional and non-governmental structures. Civil society resource centers in all of the participant countries cooperate in the preparation and organization of transnational debates on common EU issues, reaching to civil society organizations and citizens through webinars and the active use of innovative social media and citizen communication tools.
The project is coordinated by ProInfo Foundation, Bulgaria (leading partner) and takes advantage of the collaboration of the following Partners (in country alphabetical order):
- Partners Albania, Center for Change and Conflict Management, Albania
- European Citizen Action Service AISBL, Belgium
- Cenzura Plus, Croatia
- NGO Support Centre, Cyprus
-, o.p.s., Czech Republic
- Global Citizen, Denmark
- Avatud Eesti Fond / Open Estonia Foundation, Estonia
- Cittadinanzattiva onlus-Active Citizenship Network, Italy
- Atria: Institute on gender equality and women’s history, Netherlands
- Asociația Națională a Birourilor de Consiliere pentru Cetățeni, Romania
- Center for Development of Non-Profit Sector, Serbia
- Platforma de ONG de Accion Social, Spain
Active Citizenship Network involvement:
- To take part in EU meeting organized during the project
- To take part 3 webinar organized during the project by 3 different partners
- To organize a debate in Italy with international speaker on the topic Protecting Citizens' Rights
Debates with the participation of Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network:
Tallin (Estonia), April 15, 2014: "How to make MEPs talk to citizens?", by Open Estonia Foundation's. Download the programme. In that occasion, ACN involved as expert panelist also its partner, Democracy International, and presented the experience of the European Charter of Active Citizenship.
Bucharest (Romania), June 17, 2014: "Civil Society and Solidarity in Times of Crisis. Addressing the Challenges of the Romanian and European Political Crisis", by National Association of Citizens Advice Bureaux (NACAB) Romania. Download the programme and ACN presentation.
Tirana (Albania), October 14, 2014: "Development of Social Enterprises", by Partners Albania, Center for Change and Conflict Management. Download ACN presentation.
Project duration: from 2013 to 2015
For more information, please contact Mariano Votta:
To visit the official website of the project, click here
The project is realized with the support of the Europe for Citizens Programme of the European Union