As many of the provisions of the Directive are optional or leave room for interpretation by the Member States, much depends on the way the Directive is implemented. In order to make sure that the Directive is implemented so as to be an added value for patients, it is essential that patients’ organisations at national level be actively involved!
For these reasons, a number of associations from ACN's network from different European countries and other stakeholders (such as the European Union of Private Hospitals - UEHP and Pain Alliance Europe) deemed of paramount importance to work together in order to be involved by their national institutions and to actively monitor the processes of adopting and implementing the Directive using as a common tool for lobbying the "Manifesto for the implementation of the Right of European patients to make an informed choice".
In order to share all activities a short questionnaire has been created asking each association the following:
a) if the association was involved in the recognition and implementation of the Directive and in which way;
b) if there is an existing national law implementing the Directive in the country and if the association was consulted during drafting;
c) if and how the National Contact Point was organised and become operational and if the association was consulted (as required by the Directive);
d) the association’s main concerns;
e) if the association has enacted any information/communication activities, or intends to do so;
f) if and how the "Manifesto for the implementation of the Right of European patients to make an informed choice" was disseminated and signed in the country.
Here follows the information collected between July and October 2013 divided by country. Some has been written in the third person, while the rest (shown as quotes) refers to what was written by the associations.
What emerges in general from the point of view of the associations is that the recognition process has been slow and the involvement of citizens’ organizations is not deemed a priority for most of the countries surveyed.
To join the Coordination please write to Daniela Quaggia