

Fruitful days for the EU funded BioReCer project in Milan (Italy), from 1 to 3 of October, 2024. In particular, the 3rd coordination meeting of the project took place, hosted by UNI Ente Italiano di Normazione where the different partners shared their progress and visited the wastewater treatment plant of Gruppo CAP located in Robecco sul Naviglio. 

During the coordination meeting, on the 2nd of October, Cittadinanzattiva presented its hypothesis of communication and dissemination activities tailored to citizens and consumers. For the download, click here.

In addition, we also held the regional stakeholders meeting in which we addressed issues such as circularity indicators and the role of standardisation for bio-based feedstocks and products. For the occasion, members of the European Consumer Union and from the Latvian consumer organizations Talented Borders and Impact 2040 joined the meeting in presence, while representatives from Union of Working Consumers of Greece were remotly connected. Read more






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