

In 2022 Cittadinanzattiva, through its European branch Active Citizenship Network, is engaged in an EU project to promote at the European level the importance of access to Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products (ATMPs), which development presents new opportunities for the treatment and prevention of a variety of diseases (gene diseases, oncological diseases and diseases with long prognosis) or for restoring, correcting or modifying compromised physiological functions in humans, including by correcting mutations acquired on a genetic basis. The relevance of these innovative therapies, however, places them at the centre of the discussion on health and health policy choices for the future and the sustainability of the health service. This will pose very delicate problems of choice and rationing in terms of access to treatment for patients, which could result in the treatment of fewer patients than eligible and therefore potentially treatable. A solution in terms of identifying the resources with which to finance them must therefore be tackled today so as not to arrive unprepared.
The "Italian proposal" provides for an installment of the cost of advanced therapies which at the moment are considered current expenses, but which, to be sustainable, should be considered as investments. The project will be developed through an EU training seminar, a policy dialogue with the main EU institutions, and a call to action aimed at European decision-makers to provide greater access to ATMPs.

This project will be carried out with the unconditional contribution of #VITA which includes: Celgene – Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead Sciences, PTC, Roche.

To know more:

Visit the webpage of the #VITA project

Read the article “The evaluation of the expenses for Advanced Therapies. The reasons for a new economic and accounting approach” (IT language)

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