

Cittadinanzattiva, through its European branch Active Citizenship Network (ACN), has become involved, together with the Spanish association ALCER, in the AMR Patient Alliance, developed by IAPO P4PS Observatory, with the aim to gather the voice of patients and involve all the relevant stakeholders around the issue of antimicrobial resistance (AMR). Patients need to play a much bigger role in the fight against antimicrobial resistance (AMR), as they are directly involved in over-prescribing, overuse and self-medication, the scale and effect of which is still unknown. In order to this global public health threat, ACN has committed to undertake three main activities: a training seminar on the topic; contribution to the development of a repository of AMR-related educational, informative, and awareness-raising materials for patient organizations, patients and caregivers; support to the course “Antimicrobial Resistance: Patient Role in Rational Use” accessible to all EU citizens and developed by IAPO P4PSO and PAIR Academy.

To know more:

Visit the webpage of the AMR Patient Alliance project

The commitment of Cittadinanzattiva-Active Citizenship Network on the topic of antimicrobial resistance (AMR)

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