

In 1948 the World Health Organization defined health as "a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Today, after more than 70 years, the WHO definition is more relevant than ever if we think of the holistic approach to "global health” at the time of the health emergency that we have been experiencing for about two years.
The global pandemic confirms the need to recognize a broader scope to health that is no longer the result of a few and circumscribed variables but the result of multisectoral and global factors, such as lifestyle, environment and climate. Health as an integrated approach, unavoidable from the determinants of health connected to it.

From these preconditions, Cittadinanzattiva - with the unconditional support of Janssen and the involvement of its European branch Active Citizenship Network (ACN)  - has started a new project aimed at drafting a "Global Health Charter", starting from a civic perspective, with the intent of building a holistic and conscious reading of health and contributing to providing effective solutions to the crisis and the health needs of each individual.

The "Global Health Charter" will be declined at various levels (national, European and global) through a multi-stakeholder approach at international level. The Charter will be drafted through the results achieved from an anonymous survey focused on the degree of knowledge on the topic of "global health" and the main themes related to it.

For further information, please contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

To know more:

- The Global Health Charter project (EN – IT)

- To fill in the survey, please click here.

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