

CROPBOOSTER-P is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) project, of which Cittadinanzattiva/Active Citizenship Network is a Core Stakeholder, supported through the EU Horizon 2020 funding programme. The project, which started on November 1, 2018, is mapping and assessing current and future strategies, methods and technologies for crop improvement. The project mainly aims at new crop varieties in current agricultural practice by aligning the development of these crops with the needs, concerns, wishes and expectations of society. Following a responsible research and innovation (RRI) approach, stakeholders representing all actors of the food system are involved both in designing the blueprints for the future crops, as well as in the developing of the roadmap to successfully introduce the new crops to the users, and to educate the consumers to new paradigms of sustainable agriculture, based on future proofed crops and more efficient resource use.

Recently, an animated video explaining the urgency and set-up of the project has been released in four different languages: English, German, Italian and French. To watch the videos, click here. To know more about the project, visit the official website.

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