

DICA EUROPA! is a project funded under the National Operational Program PON "Sistemi di Politiche Attive per l'Occupazione" (SPAO) and developed by Studio Saperessere and Prodos Consulting, in partnership with Cittadinanzattiva, Arci and Legambiente Scuola e Formazione.
Through the organization of 40 training courses throughout the country, the provision of 20 hours of online training, 10 webinars and the realization of more than 10 networking events, the project aims to provide participants (volunteers, associates and activists working in the Third Sector) with practical and methodological tools to identify the most appropriate forms of access to financial resources of the European Union and develop project proposals in line with the standards of the European Commission. In particular, the course aims to train professionals belonging to third sector organizations, with specific theoretical knowledge and operational skills in project management for social planning.

The initiative also encourages the exchange of experiences, promotes networking, and fosters the creation of collaborative networks between organizations from different sectors, involving all the actors of social innovation.

In order to elaborate a didactic program able to respond adequately to the needs of the recipients, an initial activity of preliminary analysis of the training needs of third sector operators is foreseen, also in relation to the territory of belonging.

For further information, you can write to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

To know more:

- Visit the official website and watch the video presentation of the DICA EUROPA project (IT language)

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