

Annibale Quaresima, member of the National Management Board of Cittadinanzattiva, is in Mexico, motivated by his personal civic commitment to be involved in problem of human rights of those immigrants who cross the country to reach USA, a new but not sufficiently known reality.
In this context there are some citizens associations that try to protect immigrants’ rights and lives, also with the support of immigrants shelters (albergues).
His blog Rotte Boreali contains comments, information and testimonies of immigrants hosted in these shelters.
More information: (IT version)


“La 72″, casa per migranti di Tenosique, on the border with Guatemala 
“Casa-rifugio Tochan” a Città del Messico
by Annibale Quaresima, Cittadinanzattiva Toscana onlus
Caravana de Madres Centroamericanas buscando a sus migrantes desaparecidos (ES version)

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